"Office of the Government of the Czech Republic, Department of Sustainable Development"
Strategic FrameworkCzech Republic 2030.webpStrategic FrameworkCzech Republic 2030.webp

Strategic Framework Czech Republic 2030

May 2017

The first three sections (Introduction, Vision, and Principles of Sustainable Development) define the basic development approach, introduce the process of the document creation and describe the general vision of development up to the year 2030. This is followed by a summary of the Development Analysis in the form of six SWOT analyses (overviews of strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats), one for each key topic area. These SWOT analyses state the main conclusions of analytical works that preceded the creation of draft sections of the individual key areas and their goals. The complete Analysis of Development forms the entire Annex No. 2 of the Strategic Framework.

Visions extended for each area have been formulated in the key areas and a desirable direction of development in the corresponding topic areas have been presented. Each key area is concluded by a list of strategic goals and their specifications in the form of specific objectives. Indicators in Annex No. 1 are designed to measure fulfilment of these specific objectives. At the beginning of each key area, there is a graphic overview of sustainable development goals set by the United Nations, with highlighted goals related to the given key area.


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Strategic Framework Czech Republic 2030

May 2017

The first three sections (Introduction, Vision, and Principles of Sustainable Development) define the basic development approach, introduce the process of the document creation and describe the general vision of development up to the year 2030. This is followed by a summary of the Development Analysis in the form of six SWOT analyses (overviews of strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats), one for each key topic area. These SWOT analyses state the main conclusions of analytical works that preceded the creation of draft sections of the individual key areas and their goals. The complete Analysis of Development forms the entire Annex No. 2 of the Strategic Framework.

Visions extended for each area have been formulated in the key areas and a desirable direction of development in the corresponding topic areas have been presented. Each key area is concluded by a list of strategic goals and their specifications in the form of specific objectives. Indicators in Annex No. 1 are designed to measure fulfilment of these specific objectives. At the beginning of each key area, there is a graphic overview of sustainable development goals set by the United Nations, with highlighted goals related to the given key area.
