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Studies of Tourist Outbound Markets - Italy

April 2024

The network of Ministries of Tourism Abroad analyses and prepares reports that identify the main trends of the outbound tourism markets towards Spain, specifying the segments that have the greatest strategic value.

In this you will find the main data on the Italian market, including the most representative market features and a definition of the main players of the tourism industry, as well as their relative importance in the market structure.


  1. Italy 2023 Country Overview
  2. Italy 2023 Issuing Market
  3. Italy 2023 Structure of the Tourism Sector

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Studies of Tourist Outbound Markets - Italy

April 2024

The network of Ministries of Tourism Abroad analyses and prepares reports that identify the main trends of the outbound tourism markets towards Spain, specifying the segments that have the greatest strategic value.

In this you will find the main data on the Italian market, including the most representative market features and a definition of the main players of the tourism industry, as well as their relative importance in the market structure.


  1. Italy 2023 Country Overview
  2. Italy 2023 Issuing Market
  3. Italy 2023 Structure of the Tourism Sector