Tourisme Montréal
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Sustainability Policy

May 2023

Through its concrete actions, Tourisme Montréal is committed to demonstrating leadership and mobilizing its members, suppliers, customers, employees and partners around issues of social, environmental and economic responsibility.

Tourisme Montréal encourages sustainable business actions conducive to growth. This policy establishes clear and realistic principles and commitments of the organization in terms of sustainable development. It is intended to be a reference tool for decision-making with a view to performance and sustainability, taking into account its environmental, social and economic effects.

This policy oversees the main sustainable development initiatives carried out by the organization. A Sustainable Purchasing and Supply Policy also complements this one.


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Sustainability Policy

May 2023

Through its concrete actions, Tourisme Montréal is committed to demonstrating leadership and mobilizing its members, suppliers, customers, employees and partners around issues of social, environmental and economic responsibility.

Tourisme Montréal encourages sustainable business actions conducive to growth. This policy establishes clear and realistic principles and commitments of the organization in terms of sustainable development. It is intended to be a reference tool for decision-making with a view to performance and sustainability, taking into account its environmental, social and economic effects.

This policy oversees the main sustainable development initiatives carried out by the organization. A Sustainable Purchasing and Supply Policy also complements this one.
