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The 4 Ps of Highly Effective Product Engineering and Design Teams

August 2022

In a perfect world, your organization’s Product, Design, and Engineering teams would work together as one cohesive unit. But reality is messier, and cross-functional collaboration can be a challenge.

If it feels like your Product, Design, and Engineering departments have to go to great lengths to collaborate almost as if they’re speaking different languages you are not alone. And for a lot of teams, this challenge has been exacerbated by remote and hybrid work.

The importance of team engagement

Before we explore the factors that make Product, Design, and Engineering (PDE) teams successful, we need to define what that means. In other words, what do effective PDE teams do well? Ultimately, it boils down to engagement. Teams that are engaged with each other, with the organization’s mission, and with their work are more likely to succeed. They collaborate seamlessly, solve problems together, and enjoy the work they do every day.

But how do you measure engagement? Gallup polls workers on a variety of factors that make up employee engagement, including productivity, retention, safety, and overall well-being. **Microsoft **takes it a step further and measures employee thriving, which they define as “to be energized and empowered to do meaningful work."

That’s why PDE leaders are now, more than ever, invested in fostering connection, **engagement **and understanding among their teams.

The 4 Ps of highly effective PDE teams

Now that we’ve established the importance of team engagement, let’s take a look at the ingredients that go into it — the four Ps of effective PDE teams. The most successful Product, Design, and Engineering teams excel in all four of these areas:

People - They build connections and trust among PDE teams.

Purpose - They galvanize employees to realize a shared product vision.

Process - They keep everyone aligned around both day-to-day processes

and the big picture.

Play - They encourage imagination, creativity, and playfulness at work.

In this guide, we’ll dig into how these factors impact team engagement and performance. We will also provide strategies and templates to help PDE team leaders decrypt common misunderstandings, miscommunications, and challenges across these four categories. It’s time for PDE orgs to finally speak the same language.


  1. Introduction
  2. Chapter One: People
  3. Chapter Two: Purpose
  4. Chapter Three: Process
  5. Chapter Four: Play
  6. Conclusion

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The 4 Ps of Highly Effective Product Engineering and Design Teams

August 2022

In a perfect world, your organization’s Product, Design, and Engineering teams would work together as one cohesive unit. But reality is messier, and cross-functional collaboration can be a challenge.

If it feels like your Product, Design, and Engineering departments have to go to great lengths to collaborate almost as if they’re speaking different languages you are not alone. And for a lot of teams, this challenge has been exacerbated by remote and hybrid work.

The importance of team engagement

Before we explore the factors that make Product, Design, and Engineering (PDE) teams successful, we need to define what that means. In other words, what do effective PDE teams do well? Ultimately, it boils down to engagement. Teams that are engaged with each other, with the organization’s mission, and with their work are more likely to succeed. They collaborate seamlessly, solve problems together, and enjoy the work they do every day.

But how do you measure engagement? Gallup polls workers on a variety of factors that make up employee engagement, including productivity, retention, safety, and overall well-being. **Microsoft **takes it a step further and measures employee thriving, which they define as “to be energized and empowered to do meaningful work."

That’s why PDE leaders are now, more than ever, invested in fostering connection, **engagement **and understanding among their teams.

The 4 Ps of highly effective PDE teams

Now that we’ve established the importance of team engagement, let’s take a look at the ingredients that go into it — the four Ps of effective PDE teams. The most successful Product, Design, and Engineering teams excel in all four of these areas:

People - They build connections and trust among PDE teams.

Purpose - They galvanize employees to realize a shared product vision.

Process - They keep everyone aligned around both day-to-day processes

and the big picture.

Play - They encourage imagination, creativity, and playfulness at work.

In this guide, we’ll dig into how these factors impact team engagement and performance. We will also provide strategies and templates to help PDE team leaders decrypt common misunderstandings, miscommunications, and challenges across these four categories. It’s time for PDE orgs to finally speak the same language.


  1. Introduction
  2. Chapter One: People
  3. Chapter Two: Purpose
  4. Chapter Three: Process
  5. Chapter Four: Play
  6. Conclusion