Travel Oregon
The Economic Impact of Travel in OregonCalendar Year 2022p.webpThe Economic Impact of Travel in OregonCalendar Year 2022p.webp

The Economic Impact of Travel in Oregon: Calendar Year 2022p

February 2023

The Oregon travel economy reached new highs across most categories in 2022. Continued demand for overnight accommodations and increased price inflation led to large gains in visitor spending. This increased spending and a tight labor market contributed to an increase in employee earnings, with both having a cumulative effect on increased tax revenue. Employment has recovered to 99% of peak employment reached in 2019.


  1. Summary
  2. Direct Travel Impacts (Trend)
  3. Direct Spending Real and Current Dollars
  4. Overnight Volume
  5. Air Passenger Visitor Arrivals

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The Economic Impact of Travel in Oregon: Calendar Year 2022p

February 2023

The Oregon travel economy reached new highs across most categories in 2022. Continued demand for overnight accommodations and increased price inflation led to large gains in visitor spending. This increased spending and a tight labor market contributed to an increase in employee earnings, with both having a cumulative effect on increased tax revenue. Employment has recovered to 99% of peak employment reached in 2019.


  1. Summary
  2. Direct Travel Impacts (Trend)
  3. Direct Spending Real and Current Dollars
  4. Overnight Volume
  5. Air Passenger Visitor Arrivals