The Navan NDC Savings IndexThe Navan NDC Savings Index

The Navan NDC Savings Index

July 2024

Navigating today’s increasingly fragmented distribution landscape is a challenge.

While the buzz around NDC has reached a fever pitch in recent years, not everyone is on the same side: Rarely has a topic seen such divided perspectives across the business travel ecosystem.

It seems like every travel manager has either been convinced of NDC’s potential benefits or persuaded that it’s years away from delivering value. The topic is almost impossible to avoid in the news — stories of “first-ever NDC connections” are seemingly a weekly occurrence — but it’s been elusive to find NDC actually in operation among large legacy travel management companies.

So what’s the truth? Is NDC ready or not to handle large travel programs? And as price gaps and exclusive fares become more common, what’s the financial impact for those unable to access NDC content today?

In what is likely the most extensive study of NDC booking data published to date, Navan offers this deep dive into three months of NDC bookings across 12 airlines enabled in the platform with significant NDC utilization. The result is a better understanding of the state of NDC today — and of how much companies with access to this content are saving.


  • Executive Summary
  • Booking Trends: Global, Regional, and Per Airline
  • How Much Are Companies Saving?
  • Why Are Companies Saving?
  • Takeaways by Airline
  • Conclusion
  • Appendix: EDIFACT, and Why NDC

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The Navan NDC Savings Index

July 2024

Navigating today’s increasingly fragmented distribution landscape is a challenge.

While the buzz around NDC has reached a fever pitch in recent years, not everyone is on the same side: Rarely has a topic seen such divided perspectives across the business travel ecosystem.

It seems like every travel manager has either been convinced of NDC’s potential benefits or persuaded that it’s years away from delivering value. The topic is almost impossible to avoid in the news — stories of “first-ever NDC connections” are seemingly a weekly occurrence — but it’s been elusive to find NDC actually in operation among large legacy travel management companies.

So what’s the truth? Is NDC ready or not to handle large travel programs? And as price gaps and exclusive fares become more common, what’s the financial impact for those unable to access NDC content today?

In what is likely the most extensive study of NDC booking data published to date, Navan offers this deep dive into three months of NDC bookings across 12 airlines enabled in the platform with significant NDC utilization. The result is a better understanding of the state of NDC today — and of how much companies with access to this content are saving.


  • Executive Summary
  • Booking Trends: Global, Regional, and Per Airline
  • How Much Are Companies Saving?
  • Why Are Companies Saving?
  • Takeaways by Airline
  • Conclusion
  • Appendix: EDIFACT, and Why NDC