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The Numbers Behind Women In Leadership Leisure.webpThe Numbers Behind Women In Leadership Leisure.webp

The Numbers Behind Women In Leadership: Leisure

February 2023

The leisure industry is facing a gender diversity crisis, with only 7% of the top CEO and chair spots held by women, a stark contrast to the 50-50 gender balance of the overall workforce.

While casinos and entertainment companies outshine hotels, with three female CEOs and four board chairs, the competition is far from stiff. A marginal improvement in the percentage of female executives in the hotel sector has failed to translate into more female CEOs or chairs. In fact, Alison Brittain, who was the sole female representative in the CEO group at the time of our last report, left her position in January 2023, leaving major hotel chains with zero female CEOs or chairs.


  1. Executive Summary
  2. Progress Report
  3. Methodology
  4. Solutions
  5. Conclusion
  6. About

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The Numbers Behind Women In Leadership: Leisure

February 2023

The leisure industry is facing a gender diversity crisis, with only 7% of the top CEO and chair spots held by women, a stark contrast to the 50-50 gender balance of the overall workforce.

While casinos and entertainment companies outshine hotels, with three female CEOs and four board chairs, the competition is far from stiff. A marginal improvement in the percentage of female executives in the hotel sector has failed to translate into more female CEOs or chairs. In fact, Alison Brittain, who was the sole female representative in the CEO group at the time of our last report, left her position in January 2023, leaving major hotel chains with zero female CEOs or chairs.


  1. Executive Summary
  2. Progress Report
  3. Methodology
  4. Solutions
  5. Conclusion
  6. About