Oxford Economics
The Return On Investment of Brand USA Marketing.webpThe Return On Investment of Brand USA Marketing.webp

The Return On Investment of Brand USA Marketing

May 2022

Oxford Economics, in coordination with its Tourism Economics subsidiary company, conducted a detailed analysis of the return on investment of Brand USA’s marketing in its 2021 fiscal year. Due to Covid-19, the benefits of marketing activities were severely constrained. However, some benefits from FY2021 activities are expected to be realized in FY2022 as borders reopen and traveler confidence is restored. Ad tracking surveys, a market share analysis, and Brand USA key performance indicators of market activity informed the analysis of incremental visits and spending generated by Brand USA. Results were further validated based on mobile device tracking of visitors who were exposed to Brand USA marketing.


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The Return On Investment of Brand USA Marketing

May 2022

Oxford Economics, in coordination with its Tourism Economics subsidiary company, conducted a detailed analysis of the return on investment of Brand USA’s marketing in its 2021 fiscal year. Due to Covid-19, the benefits of marketing activities were severely constrained. However, some benefits from FY2021 activities are expected to be realized in FY2022 as borders reopen and traveler confidence is restored. Ad tracking surveys, a market share analysis, and Brand USA key performance indicators of market activity informed the analysis of incremental visits and spending generated by Brand USA. Results were further validated based on mobile device tracking of visitors who were exposed to Brand USA marketing.
