NBTC Climate Neutral Tourism.webpNBTC Climate Neutral Tourism.webp

The Road to Climate-Neutral Tourism

September 2022
Destination Strategy

Perspective 2030 highlights the importance of the sustainable development of the Netherlands as a destination and the need to take an integrated approach. Together with diverse stakeholders, we are striving for a country that is a good place to be – for residents, business owners and visitors alike. A country where everyone benefits from tourism and business travel, whether directly or indirectly.

The Corona pandemic has shown the relevance of the guiding principles of Perspective 2030. It has also shown that consolidation and acceleration are needed. Fortunately, consensus is more widespread than ever. On the road, we always choose our course together. Because we prioritise the common interests: the Netherlands as a vibrant destination, both now and for future generations.

During the UN Climate Conference in Glasgow last year, NBTC signed the Glasgow Declaration, together with CELTH, Merk Fryslan and over 250 other organisations: the signatories not only pledged to support international climate goals, they also committed themselves to take action. For NBTC, this action consists of making our own organisation and activities more sustainable, as well as promoting and encouraging climate-neutral tourism throughout the Netherlands.

CELTH paved the way with the Leisure, Tourism & Hospitality Sustainability Research Agenda. Following on from this, we now present The Road to Climate-Neutral Tourism. This roadmap was compiled by the Climate Neutral Tourism working group, affiliated with the Hospitality Economy Cooperation Task Force, in collaboration with many partners from the Netherlands as a destination. In combination with scientific facts and insights, the goal is to show where we are now and where we are going on the road to climate-neutral tourism, as well as what remains to be done to actually get there.

On this road, we sometimes encounter uncomfortable truths and we will certainly encounter measures that we know will not be carried out tomorrow. But much more often we encounter opportunities. Opportunities to follow through, to seek connections and sometimes simply to start working. While we do not always have to agree on everything: noblesse oblige. The ability to travel carries with it the responsibility to ensure that the Dutch leisure domain is as sustainable as possible.

Given the many and varied actors, we adopt a network approach in which stakeholders form a vision together, communicate aspirations and provide guidelines, but always decide for themselves - based on their own position, interests and opportunities - which initiatives they can or want to participate in. The latter takes place in coalitions of stakeholders, who join forces for aspects of the roadmap and jointly collaborate on specific actions. In such cases, they may not yet be able or willing to participate in other actions for reasons of their own.

Together, we are creating the roadmap that the Netherlands needs – and above all – that the Netherlands deserves!


  1. Introduction
  2. Accountability and overview
  3. Five basic principles for climate-neutral tourism
  4. Measurement and research
  5. Reducing emissions
  6. Strengthening ecosystems
  7. Funding and support
  8. Cooperation and leadership
  9. Epilogue
  10. Annex 1

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The Road to Climate-Neutral Tourism

September 2022
Destination Strategy

Perspective 2030 highlights the importance of the sustainable development of the Netherlands as a destination and the need to take an integrated approach. Together with diverse stakeholders, we are striving for a country that is a good place to be – for residents, business owners and visitors alike. A country where everyone benefits from tourism and business travel, whether directly or indirectly.

The Corona pandemic has shown the relevance of the guiding principles of Perspective 2030. It has also shown that consolidation and acceleration are needed. Fortunately, consensus is more widespread than ever. On the road, we always choose our course together. Because we prioritise the common interests: the Netherlands as a vibrant destination, both now and for future generations.

During the UN Climate Conference in Glasgow last year, NBTC signed the Glasgow Declaration, together with CELTH, Merk Fryslan and over 250 other organisations: the signatories not only pledged to support international climate goals, they also committed themselves to take action. For NBTC, this action consists of making our own organisation and activities more sustainable, as well as promoting and encouraging climate-neutral tourism throughout the Netherlands.

CELTH paved the way with the Leisure, Tourism & Hospitality Sustainability Research Agenda. Following on from this, we now present The Road to Climate-Neutral Tourism. This roadmap was compiled by the Climate Neutral Tourism working group, affiliated with the Hospitality Economy Cooperation Task Force, in collaboration with many partners from the Netherlands as a destination. In combination with scientific facts and insights, the goal is to show where we are now and where we are going on the road to climate-neutral tourism, as well as what remains to be done to actually get there.

On this road, we sometimes encounter uncomfortable truths and we will certainly encounter measures that we know will not be carried out tomorrow. But much more often we encounter opportunities. Opportunities to follow through, to seek connections and sometimes simply to start working. While we do not always have to agree on everything: noblesse oblige. The ability to travel carries with it the responsibility to ensure that the Dutch leisure domain is as sustainable as possible.

Given the many and varied actors, we adopt a network approach in which stakeholders form a vision together, communicate aspirations and provide guidelines, but always decide for themselves - based on their own position, interests and opportunities - which initiatives they can or want to participate in. The latter takes place in coalitions of stakeholders, who join forces for aspects of the roadmap and jointly collaborate on specific actions. In such cases, they may not yet be able or willing to participate in other actions for reasons of their own.

Together, we are creating the roadmap that the Netherlands needs – and above all – that the Netherlands deserves!


  1. Introduction
  2. Accountability and overview
  3. Five basic principles for climate-neutral tourism
  4. Measurement and research
  5. Reducing emissions
  6. Strengthening ecosystems
  7. Funding and support
  8. Cooperation and leadership
  9. Epilogue
  10. Annex 1