Tourism and Rural DevelopmentTourism and Rural Development

Tourism and Rural Development: Understanding Challenges on the Ground: Lessons learned from the Best Tourism Villages by UNWTO Initiative

October 2023
Policy Guidelines

The Best Tourism Villages by UNWTO Initiative (BTV), launched in 2021, recognizes outstanding examples of rural destinations with cultural and natural assets that preserve and promote rural and community-based values, products and lifestyle.

Villages worldwide face a wide range of challenges in several areas. This report analyses more than 200 cases of villages that submitted candidacies to the BTV Initiative in 2021 and 2022, allowing for a direct understanding of the challenges happening on the ground.

The preservation of cultural and natural resources, infrastructure gaps, the need for better skills development programmes and management of conflicts are the most frequent challenges mentioned by the villages.

This report also covers a wide and innovative range of examples of how villages are addressing these challenges. This includes good practices in policies, tourism products and services and novel approaches to increase opportunities afforded by tourism, such as job creation, business development, engagement of women and youth, strengthening of community pride and promotion and preservation of natural and cultural resources.

The continued growth of tourism in rural areas opens up prospects for sustainable and inclusive development which – as seen in this report – can happen at the local level, irrespective of the diverse geographic regions or development levels.


  1. Executive Summary
  2. Why rural areas and how tourism can help
  3. Lessons from the ground: Analysis of the Best Tourism Villages by UNWTO candidacies
  4. The path forward: UNWTO Tourism for Rural Development Programme
  5. Conclusions

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Tourism and Rural Development: Understanding Challenges on the Ground: Lessons learned from the Best Tourism Villages by UNWTO Initiative

October 2023
Policy Guidelines

The Best Tourism Villages by UNWTO Initiative (BTV), launched in 2021, recognizes outstanding examples of rural destinations with cultural and natural assets that preserve and promote rural and community-based values, products and lifestyle.

Villages worldwide face a wide range of challenges in several areas. This report analyses more than 200 cases of villages that submitted candidacies to the BTV Initiative in 2021 and 2022, allowing for a direct understanding of the challenges happening on the ground.

The preservation of cultural and natural resources, infrastructure gaps, the need for better skills development programmes and management of conflicts are the most frequent challenges mentioned by the villages.

This report also covers a wide and innovative range of examples of how villages are addressing these challenges. This includes good practices in policies, tourism products and services and novel approaches to increase opportunities afforded by tourism, such as job creation, business development, engagement of women and youth, strengthening of community pride and promotion and preservation of natural and cultural resources.

The continued growth of tourism in rural areas opens up prospects for sustainable and inclusive development which – as seen in this report – can happen at the local level, irrespective of the diverse geographic regions or development levels.


  1. Executive Summary
  2. Why rural areas and how tourism can help
  3. Lessons from the ground: Analysis of the Best Tourism Villages by UNWTO candidacies
  4. The path forward: UNWTO Tourism for Rural Development Programme
  5. Conclusions