Ministro dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del Turismo
Tourism Development Strategic Plan (PST 2017-2022).webpTourism Development Strategic Plan (PST 2017-2022).webp

Tourism Development Strategic Plan (PST 2017-2022)

May 2016
Destination Strategy

There are four general objectives of the Plan between now and 2022:

• Innovate, specialize and integrate the national offer

• Increase the competitiveness of the tourism system;

• Develop effective and innovative marketing;

• Implement efficient and participatory governance in the process of elaboration and definition of the Plan and tourism policies

To give full effect to the Plan and achieve the objectives set, the Management has been working for months and will present, already in the coming weeks, the Annual Implementation Program which contains all the interventions, consistent with the strategic lines identified, to be implemented in 2017.

In this context, the Directorate General of Tourism has assumed, and will increasingly assume, in the coming years, a new role of coordination of the various public and private stakeholders and of service to all citizens and tourists who expect a lot from this Plan.

Indeed, even in the implementation phase, it will be essential to focus every effort on the final objective: to increase the contribution of the tourism sector to economic, social and sustainable well-being and to relaunch Italy's leadership on the international tourism market.


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Tourism Development Strategic Plan (PST 2017-2022)

May 2016
Destination Strategy

There are four general objectives of the Plan between now and 2022:

• Innovate, specialize and integrate the national offer

• Increase the competitiveness of the tourism system;

• Develop effective and innovative marketing;

• Implement efficient and participatory governance in the process of elaboration and definition of the Plan and tourism policies

To give full effect to the Plan and achieve the objectives set, the Management has been working for months and will present, already in the coming weeks, the Annual Implementation Program which contains all the interventions, consistent with the strategic lines identified, to be implemented in 2017.

In this context, the Directorate General of Tourism has assumed, and will increasingly assume, in the coming years, a new role of coordination of the various public and private stakeholders and of service to all citizens and tourists who expect a lot from this Plan.

Indeed, even in the implementation phase, it will be essential to focus every effort on the final objective: to increase the contribution of the tourism sector to economic, social and sustainable well-being and to relaunch Italy's leadership on the international tourism market.
