Region Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Tourism Economy Growth Plan Regional Tourism Development Plan 2017-2022.webpTourism Economy Growth Plan Regional Tourism Development Plan 2017-2022.webp

Tourism Economy Growth Plan Regional Tourism Development Plan 2017-2022

May 2017
Destination Strategy

The territory must be the laboratory of this new tourist economy which shares its objectives between growth issues at the service of the territory's economy and employment and quality of life issues at the service of the inhabitants. The performance of tourism in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur must therefore also be measured by the capacity of its players, private and public, to innovate in terms of products and services, to innovate in terms of marketing and commercial strategy, to also innovate in organizations and tools serving the tourist economy.

Thus our attractiveness and our tourist performance will contribute to the development of our regional economy and to its national and international influence.


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Tourism Economy Growth Plan Regional Tourism Development Plan 2017-2022

May 2017
Destination Strategy

The territory must be the laboratory of this new tourist economy which shares its objectives between growth issues at the service of the territory's economy and employment and quality of life issues at the service of the inhabitants. The performance of tourism in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur must therefore also be measured by the capacity of its players, private and public, to innovate in terms of products and services, to innovate in terms of marketing and commercial strategy, to also innovate in organizations and tools serving the tourist economy.

Thus our attractiveness and our tourist performance will contribute to the development of our regional economy and to its national and international influence.
