Department for the Economy, Northern Ireland

Tourism Strategy for Northern Ireland

November 2023
Destination Strategy

Tourism is one of Northern Ireland’s most important economic sectors and key to dispersing wealth right across Northern Ireland, contributing an annual tourism expenditure of more than £1 billion in 2019 and supporting approximately 71,000 jobs across the region.

In addition to revenue and job creation, development of the tourism sector has the capacity to cultivate and showcase local history, culture and natural and built heritage, making Northern Ireland not only a great place to visit but also a great place to live.

The Tourism Strategy: 10 Year Plan establishes a vision and mission for the growth of the tourism sector in Northern Ireland over the next decade. It will be a key enabler of the Department’s 10x Economic Vision to help position the region internationally as an attractive place to visit, making our visitors feel welcome whilst at the same time helping to make the lives better of all our citizens. It will seek to deliver on the objectives of 10x by generating economic growth that is sustainable, inclusive and innovative.

The Vision of the Strategy is to: "Establish Northern Ireland as a year-round world class destination which is renowned for its authentic experiences, landscape, heritage and culture and which benefits communities, the economy and the environment, with sustainability at its core".

With a Mission to: "Support the Tourism Sector in building a more innovative, sustainable and inclusive tourism industry for all people and places in Northern Ireland which enriches its people, its economy and its guests."

The Vision and Mission are supported by a Strategic Aim to increase the value of tourism to the Northern Ireland economy compared to 2019 – which is the last full year of tourism statistics currently available.

It is designed to be a roadmap, premised on five themes, which seeks to strive for a new and ambitious growth trajectory that is Innovative, Inclusive, Sustainable, Attractive and Collaborative over the next decade. These five themes form the core of the Strategy and are designed to support continued growth in tourism in Northern Ireland to appeal to both overseas and domestic visitors, and also contribute to a better quality of life for the people who live here, enriching communities and spreading the economic and social benefits of tourism throughout the region.

The document identifies the key challenges and drivers for growth.

It recognises the industry’s ability to develop as a thriving, sustainable industry of the future, showcasing world class visitor attractions and creating a year-round destination that will stand out in international markets.

It will also position Northern Ireland on the world stage as a destination of choice as well as increasing its attractiveness as an investment location.

This Strategy provides a framework for our delivery bodies such as Tourism NI and Tourism Ireland to work with other public authorities and the tourism industry to shape and develop local tourism strategies and action plans which will support and guide the industry to prepare for future success for the benefit of all of our communities. The Indicators associated with each theme will guide our delivery partners as they set shorter term, measurable objectives in their business plans to ensure we realise our vision and optimise tourism’s contribution to the ambitions of the Department’s 10x Economic Vision. The vision and mission of the Strategy can only be realised by businesses, communities and regional and local government working together in a truly collaborative approach.


  1. Executive Summary
  2. Introduction
  3. The Policy Context
  4. Vision, Mission & Strategic Aim
  5. Why is Tourism Important in Northern Ireland?
  6. Our Success
  7. What Type of Tourism is Best for Northern Ireland
  8. Drivers & Challenges for Change
  9. Looking to the Future
  10. Strategy on a Page
  11. Alignment of Indicators with 10x Metrics

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Tourism Strategy for Northern Ireland

November 2023
Destination Strategy

Tourism is one of Northern Ireland’s most important economic sectors and key to dispersing wealth right across Northern Ireland, contributing an annual tourism expenditure of more than £1 billion in 2019 and supporting approximately 71,000 jobs across the region.

In addition to revenue and job creation, development of the tourism sector has the capacity to cultivate and showcase local history, culture and natural and built heritage, making Northern Ireland not only a great place to visit but also a great place to live.

The Tourism Strategy: 10 Year Plan establishes a vision and mission for the growth of the tourism sector in Northern Ireland over the next decade. It will be a key enabler of the Department’s 10x Economic Vision to help position the region internationally as an attractive place to visit, making our visitors feel welcome whilst at the same time helping to make the lives better of all our citizens. It will seek to deliver on the objectives of 10x by generating economic growth that is sustainable, inclusive and innovative.

The Vision of the Strategy is to: "Establish Northern Ireland as a year-round world class destination which is renowned for its authentic experiences, landscape, heritage and culture and which benefits communities, the economy and the environment, with sustainability at its core".

With a Mission to: "Support the Tourism Sector in building a more innovative, sustainable and inclusive tourism industry for all people and places in Northern Ireland which enriches its people, its economy and its guests."

The Vision and Mission are supported by a Strategic Aim to increase the value of tourism to the Northern Ireland economy compared to 2019 – which is the last full year of tourism statistics currently available.

It is designed to be a roadmap, premised on five themes, which seeks to strive for a new and ambitious growth trajectory that is Innovative, Inclusive, Sustainable, Attractive and Collaborative over the next decade. These five themes form the core of the Strategy and are designed to support continued growth in tourism in Northern Ireland to appeal to both overseas and domestic visitors, and also contribute to a better quality of life for the people who live here, enriching communities and spreading the economic and social benefits of tourism throughout the region.

The document identifies the key challenges and drivers for growth.

It recognises the industry’s ability to develop as a thriving, sustainable industry of the future, showcasing world class visitor attractions and creating a year-round destination that will stand out in international markets.

It will also position Northern Ireland on the world stage as a destination of choice as well as increasing its attractiveness as an investment location.

This Strategy provides a framework for our delivery bodies such as Tourism NI and Tourism Ireland to work with other public authorities and the tourism industry to shape and develop local tourism strategies and action plans which will support and guide the industry to prepare for future success for the benefit of all of our communities. The Indicators associated with each theme will guide our delivery partners as they set shorter term, measurable objectives in their business plans to ensure we realise our vision and optimise tourism’s contribution to the ambitions of the Department’s 10x Economic Vision. The vision and mission of the Strategy can only be realised by businesses, communities and regional and local government working together in a truly collaborative approach.


  1. Executive Summary
  2. Introduction
  3. The Policy Context
  4. Vision, Mission & Strategic Aim
  5. Why is Tourism Important in Northern Ireland?
  6. Our Success
  7. What Type of Tourism is Best for Northern Ireland
  8. Drivers & Challenges for Change
  9. Looking to the Future
  10. Strategy on a Page
  11. Alignment of Indicators with 10x Metrics