Goberno de España / Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo
Tourism Sustainability Strategy in Destinations.webpTourism Sustainability Strategy in Destinations.webp

Tourism Sustainability Strategy in Destinations

July 2021

Foundations for a new model of sustainable tourism

The strategy proposes a tourist growth model for the coming years based on the following principles:

  • Socio-economic growth so what should work for competitiveness and profitability of the sector, quality and accelerating the transformation process digital.
  • Preservation of natural and cultural values, on the basis that the conservation of our extensive cultural and natural heritage is a priority.
  • Social benefit, to achieve a sharing of benefits of the sector and challenges such as rural depopulation in spain.
  • Participation and governance support, participatory governance mechanisms between the state and the competent administrations at all levels.
  • Permanent adaptation since this is not only search quality and improvement, but also enable the sector has capacity to respond to the new environment of constant changes.
  • Leadership, which aims to consolidate the role of Spain as a world leader in the sector.


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Tourism Sustainability Strategy in Destinations

July 2021

Foundations for a new model of sustainable tourism

The strategy proposes a tourist growth model for the coming years based on the following principles:

  • Socio-economic growth so what should work for competitiveness and profitability of the sector, quality and accelerating the transformation process digital.
  • Preservation of natural and cultural values, on the basis that the conservation of our extensive cultural and natural heritage is a priority.
  • Social benefit, to achieve a sharing of benefits of the sector and challenges such as rural depopulation in spain.
  • Participation and governance support, participatory governance mechanisms between the state and the competent administrations at all levels.
  • Permanent adaptation since this is not only search quality and improvement, but also enable the sector has capacity to respond to the new environment of constant changes.
  • Leadership, which aims to consolidate the role of Spain as a world leader in the sector.
