Travel Market Report’s Distribution Outlook 2025.webpTravel Market Report’s Distribution Outlook 2025.webp

Travel Market Report’s Distribution Outlook 2025

December 2024

This year’s report, like those in years past, examines what’s happening inside the travel industry, which trends and movements are gaining momentum among travel advisors and agency owners, and how the industry is adapting to a rapidly changing landscape.

There are many familiar data points that advisors will want to note, including trending destinations, top sales-driving segments, the most common client types, preferred communication methods, and much more.

This year’s survey also introduces new data points that we hope will help the industry adapt and define itself in the coming months, including how many independent contractors identify as owners, how advisors find their host agency or consortium, and how they want to be positioned in the future.

This is always a major undertaking for the team at TMR, but we recognize it’s an even bigger task for our readers who took the time to help us compile the data. We’d like to extend a special thank you to those readers, as well as BranchUp, who sponsored the research.

We are proud to call ourselves the Voice of the Travel Advisor, and our mission will always be to serve the agency community. We hope you find this report, and the insights inside, valuable in your own business-building efforts.


  • Key Findings
  • Introduction
  • Methodology
  • Distribution Trends
  • Advisor Affiliations
  • Advisor's Profile
  • Training Needs
  • Affiliations Matter
  • Conclusion

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Travel Market Report’s Distribution Outlook 2025

December 2024

This year’s report, like those in years past, examines what’s happening inside the travel industry, which trends and movements are gaining momentum among travel advisors and agency owners, and how the industry is adapting to a rapidly changing landscape.

There are many familiar data points that advisors will want to note, including trending destinations, top sales-driving segments, the most common client types, preferred communication methods, and much more.

This year’s survey also introduces new data points that we hope will help the industry adapt and define itself in the coming months, including how many independent contractors identify as owners, how advisors find their host agency or consortium, and how they want to be positioned in the future.

This is always a major undertaking for the team at TMR, but we recognize it’s an even bigger task for our readers who took the time to help us compile the data. We’d like to extend a special thank you to those readers, as well as BranchUp, who sponsored the research.

We are proud to call ourselves the Voice of the Travel Advisor, and our mission will always be to serve the agency community. We hope you find this report, and the insights inside, valuable in your own business-building efforts.


  • Key Findings
  • Introduction
  • Methodology
  • Distribution Trends
  • Advisor Affiliations
  • Advisor's Profile
  • Training Needs
  • Affiliations Matter
  • Conclusion