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Travel Technology Investment Trends 2024

May 2024

Amadeus completed a survey of global senior hospitality leaders to understand where they were focusing their technology investments this year.

The study revealed, in part:

  • Hoteliers expect to increase their investment in technology by an average of 16% over the coming 12 months
  • 85% of hoteliers view personalization as a key driver of commercial value, feeling it could help deliver in excess of 5% in incremental revenue
  • 43% of hoteliers say their primary focus is improving operational efficiencies during high occupancy
  • Hoteliers are keen to find ways to broaden and improve the services they offer guests, including specific room attributes (43%) and upselling of room types and value-add amenities (40%)


  1. Introduction
  2. Investment Plans
  3. Investment Priorities
  4. Sustainability
  5. Conclusion & Methodology

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Travel Technology Investment Trends 2024

May 2024

Amadeus completed a survey of global senior hospitality leaders to understand where they were focusing their technology investments this year.

The study revealed, in part:

  • Hoteliers expect to increase their investment in technology by an average of 16% over the coming 12 months
  • 85% of hoteliers view personalization as a key driver of commercial value, feeling it could help deliver in excess of 5% in incremental revenue
  • 43% of hoteliers say their primary focus is improving operational efficiencies during high occupancy
  • Hoteliers are keen to find ways to broaden and improve the services they offer guests, including specific room attributes (43%) and upselling of room types and value-add amenities (40%)


  1. Introduction
  2. Investment Plans
  3. Investment Priorities
  4. Sustainability
  5. Conclusion & Methodology