Union of International Associations
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UIA Survey on International Association Meeting Issues 2023

November 2023

During 2023 the Union of International Associations undertook its 11th large-scale survey on issues encountered by international organizations and associations when holding meetings.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a tremendous impact on global travel, the meetings industry, and on the meetings behaviour of international associations. This UIA Survey focuses on the changed approach of associations, when planning and organizing their international events.

The survey is designed to help all involved in the process of organizing international meetings to get a sense of changes over the years and the challenges of the current environment.

The questionnaire was offered in English, French and Spanish and comprised simple yes/no and multiple choice questions.

The 2023 survey follows surveys undertaken on behalf of UIA’s Associate Members in 1985, 1993, 2002, 2009, 2013, 2015, 2018, 2020, 2021, 2022. The questions have been adjusted over time and again this year focused on issues caused by the pandemic.

UIA will repeat this survey in the future to continue to measure and profile the impact of the pandemic on associations and their meetings activity.


  1. General Background
  2. Where are the associates located
  3. Does your organization hold one or more major international meetings?
  4. Questions 1-17 (English, French, Spanish)

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UIA Survey on International Association Meeting Issues 2023

November 2023

During 2023 the Union of International Associations undertook its 11th large-scale survey on issues encountered by international organizations and associations when holding meetings.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a tremendous impact on global travel, the meetings industry, and on the meetings behaviour of international associations. This UIA Survey focuses on the changed approach of associations, when planning and organizing their international events.

The survey is designed to help all involved in the process of organizing international meetings to get a sense of changes over the years and the challenges of the current environment.

The questionnaire was offered in English, French and Spanish and comprised simple yes/no and multiple choice questions.

The 2023 survey follows surveys undertaken on behalf of UIA’s Associate Members in 1985, 1993, 2002, 2009, 2013, 2015, 2018, 2020, 2021, 2022. The questions have been adjusted over time and again this year focused on issues caused by the pandemic.

UIA will repeat this survey in the future to continue to measure and profile the impact of the pandemic on associations and their meetings activity.


  1. General Background
  2. Where are the associates located
  3. Does your organization hold one or more major international meetings?
  4. Questions 1-17 (English, French, Spanish)