The Data Appeal Company
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Venice Carnival 2024: Increased rates and the challenge of overtourism


The Carnival of Venice is renowned worldwide, sharing the spotlight with Rio de Janeiro as the most celebrated carnivals.

While the festival greatly benefits local tourism financially and in terms of visibility, the city is proactively addressing sustainability issues to minimise its ecological footprint.

The Data Appeal Company used the D/AI Destinations platform to study the real economic and social impact of the Venice Carnival behind the scenes.

What were the main findings?

  • Average accommodation rates on OTAs during Carnival are 40% higher than in 2023 and up to 57% higher than the average for the first three months of 2024. Short-term rentals exhibit the highest rate increase at +47% compared to the previous year.
  • Rate peaks are observed during all three Carnival weekends (27-28 January; 3-4 February; 10-11 February).
  • The third weekend of 10-11 February shows the highest OTA saturation and rates, with average hotel rates at €427 and short-term rental rates at €298, and a saturation rate of around 30%.
  • Bookings on online portals have been slow, indicating a shift towards last-minute and direct channel bookings.


  1. Main Findings
  2. Visitors from 140 countries at the Venice Carnival
  3. Hotel and short-term rental prices
  4. Sustainability and quality of life

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Venice Carnival 2024: Increased rates and the challenge of overtourism


The Carnival of Venice is renowned worldwide, sharing the spotlight with Rio de Janeiro as the most celebrated carnivals.

While the festival greatly benefits local tourism financially and in terms of visibility, the city is proactively addressing sustainability issues to minimise its ecological footprint.

The Data Appeal Company used the D/AI Destinations platform to study the real economic and social impact of the Venice Carnival behind the scenes.

What were the main findings?

  • Average accommodation rates on OTAs during Carnival are 40% higher than in 2023 and up to 57% higher than the average for the first three months of 2024. Short-term rentals exhibit the highest rate increase at +47% compared to the previous year.
  • Rate peaks are observed during all three Carnival weekends (27-28 January; 3-4 February; 10-11 February).
  • The third weekend of 10-11 February shows the highest OTA saturation and rates, with average hotel rates at €427 and short-term rental rates at €298, and a saturation rate of around 30%.
  • Bookings on online portals have been slow, indicating a shift towards last-minute and direct channel bookings.


  1. Main Findings
  2. Visitors from 140 countries at the Venice Carnival
  3. Hotel and short-term rental prices
  4. Sustainability and quality of life