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Staff Shortages - WTTC 2022

August 2022
Policy Guidelines

This report from the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), in collaboration with Oxford Economics, analyses the issue of staff shortages in France, Italy, Portugal, Spain, the UK, the USA and the EU through two measures of labour scarcity: net labour shortfall and gross labour shortfall. A net labour shortfall is calculated by subtracting the demand for labour from the supply. A labour shortage in one industry is bound to have implications in other industries of Travel & Tourism. For instance, hotels may be able to fulfil their labour needs but if there is a shortage of bus or train drivers, hotel employees may face difficulty in getting to their places of work. Therefore, gross labour shortfall accounts for such externalities and provides better estimates of the real shortfall of labour. For more information, please check the methodology section in the Appendix.

In all the six countries and the EU region overall, the supply of labour is forecasted to trail the demand for labour in the second half of 2022 and the gap is expected to be even higher during the peak third quarter when the sector’s demand is likely to approach pre-crisis levels. While staff shortages in 2021 were concentrated in the accommodation and hospitality segments of the sector, in 2022 the lack of labour is anticipated to spread to the transportation segment.


  1. Context
  2. Results
  3. Recommendations
  4. Conclusion
  5. Acknowledgements
  6. Appendix: Methodology

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Staff Shortages - WTTC 2022

August 2022
Policy Guidelines

This report from the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), in collaboration with Oxford Economics, analyses the issue of staff shortages in France, Italy, Portugal, Spain, the UK, the USA and the EU through two measures of labour scarcity: net labour shortfall and gross labour shortfall. A net labour shortfall is calculated by subtracting the demand for labour from the supply. A labour shortage in one industry is bound to have implications in other industries of Travel & Tourism. For instance, hotels may be able to fulfil their labour needs but if there is a shortage of bus or train drivers, hotel employees may face difficulty in getting to their places of work. Therefore, gross labour shortfall accounts for such externalities and provides better estimates of the real shortfall of labour. For more information, please check the methodology section in the Appendix.

In all the six countries and the EU region overall, the supply of labour is forecasted to trail the demand for labour in the second half of 2022 and the gap is expected to be even higher during the peak third quarter when the sector’s demand is likely to approach pre-crisis levels. While staff shortages in 2021 were concentrated in the accommodation and hospitality segments of the sector, in 2022 the lack of labour is anticipated to spread to the transportation segment.


  1. Context
  2. Results
  3. Recommendations
  4. Conclusion
  5. Acknowledgements
  6. Appendix: Methodology