Technologies 2022.webpTechnologies 2022.webp

Year Release of Top Technologies - 2022

May 2022

This deliverable, D1.1a Year release of top technologies, is provided by the TOURBIT project that aims to support tourism SMEs in the uptake of digitalisation and innovation by fostering their skills, knowledge and network. The deliverable is increasing digital awareness by introducing state-of-the-art technologies and trends in SME tourism. The deliverable has been provided by doing literature studies of ongoing trends and used technologies as well as gathering information and experiences from TOURBIT partners and their stakeholders relating to the adoption and usage of recent innovative and commercial ready digital solutions.

Tourism 4.0 will integrate all the stakeholders, e.g., tourists, residents, local communities, tourist suppliers, tourist service providers and government, within a collaborative innovation process around the smart ecosystem. This deliverable introduces a model of the smart tourism ecosystem that illustrates the complexity of the problems due to the diversity of interests of the different stakeholders and the dynamic and non-linear nature of the interactions between the different components of the digital systems and applications. In the tourism domain, ongoing digital transformation has affected companies in traditional tourism so that they have been adopting and using various digital solutions relating to the needs and demands of their own business. At the beginning of their digitalisation path, the adopted solutions have been single-use solutions without interfaces between each other. These kinds of solutions have focused on providing added value for individual actors or companies itself, not, e.g., on supporting networking or data sharing among systems. After increased skills and experiences, as well as further developed infrastructures, demands and needs will be or have focused on larger and multi-factored solutions and platforms as well as more complicated and interconnected, smart technologies involved solutions. Nowadays digital solutions in the tourism domain typically utilise emerging technologies and so SMEs have connected, for example, via platforms to be a part of a larger system. This way, the first steps towards smart tourism ecosystems have been taken. In fact, adoption and usage of smart technologies have enabled their transition towards Tourism 4.0.

The truth is that SMEs in the tourism domain have utilised digital solutions in various ways but typically on a basic level. That's why, selected emerging technologies have been mapped along three stages according to the level of digitalisation of the SMEs: 1) Getting ready, 2) Growing digital, and 3) Leaping ahead. This deliverable is focused on the first stage even if it also introduces other stages. This deliverable is the first of three Year Releases produced by the TOURBIT project, published in May 2022. The following ones will be published in March 2023 and in March 2024; they will be focused on according to their order to the second and the third stages of digitalisation.


  1. Executive Summary
  2. Context
  3. Situation Overview
  4. Stages of Digitalization
  5. Conclusion

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Year Release of Top Technologies - 2022

May 2022

This deliverable, D1.1a Year release of top technologies, is provided by the TOURBIT project that aims to support tourism SMEs in the uptake of digitalisation and innovation by fostering their skills, knowledge and network. The deliverable is increasing digital awareness by introducing state-of-the-art technologies and trends in SME tourism. The deliverable has been provided by doing literature studies of ongoing trends and used technologies as well as gathering information and experiences from TOURBIT partners and their stakeholders relating to the adoption and usage of recent innovative and commercial ready digital solutions.

Tourism 4.0 will integrate all the stakeholders, e.g., tourists, residents, local communities, tourist suppliers, tourist service providers and government, within a collaborative innovation process around the smart ecosystem. This deliverable introduces a model of the smart tourism ecosystem that illustrates the complexity of the problems due to the diversity of interests of the different stakeholders and the dynamic and non-linear nature of the interactions between the different components of the digital systems and applications. In the tourism domain, ongoing digital transformation has affected companies in traditional tourism so that they have been adopting and using various digital solutions relating to the needs and demands of their own business. At the beginning of their digitalisation path, the adopted solutions have been single-use solutions without interfaces between each other. These kinds of solutions have focused on providing added value for individual actors or companies itself, not, e.g., on supporting networking or data sharing among systems. After increased skills and experiences, as well as further developed infrastructures, demands and needs will be or have focused on larger and multi-factored solutions and platforms as well as more complicated and interconnected, smart technologies involved solutions. Nowadays digital solutions in the tourism domain typically utilise emerging technologies and so SMEs have connected, for example, via platforms to be a part of a larger system. This way, the first steps towards smart tourism ecosystems have been taken. In fact, adoption and usage of smart technologies have enabled their transition towards Tourism 4.0.

The truth is that SMEs in the tourism domain have utilised digital solutions in various ways but typically on a basic level. That's why, selected emerging technologies have been mapped along three stages according to the level of digitalisation of the SMEs: 1) Getting ready, 2) Growing digital, and 3) Leaping ahead. This deliverable is focused on the first stage even if it also introduces other stages. This deliverable is the first of three Year Releases produced by the TOURBIT project, published in May 2022. The following ones will be published in March 2023 and in March 2024; they will be focused on according to their order to the second and the third stages of digitalisation.


  1. Executive Summary
  2. Context
  3. Situation Overview
  4. Stages of Digitalization
  5. Conclusion