3.1 Crafting Niche Experiences

In this template, we will help you to start developing unique ideas for niche experiences.

In this template, we will help you to start developing unique ideas for niche experiences. We will start by brainstorming a list of possible ideas that could be turned into unique experiences, before moving on to identifying niche themes- such as a 'foodie theme', and the niche experiences that can translate into. For example, a food theme could be a great starting point to develop a tasting trail experience.

In this template, we will help you to start developing unique ideas for niche experiences. We will start by brainstorming a list of possible ideas that could be turned into unique experiences, before moving on to identifying niche themes- such as a 'foodie theme', and the niche experiences that can translate into. For example, a food theme could be a great starting point to develop a tasting trail experience.

In this template, we will help you to start developing unique ideas for niche experiences. We will start by brainstorming a list of possible ideas that could be turned into unique experiences, before moving on to identifying niche themes- such as a 'foodie theme', and the niche experiences that can translate into. For example, a food theme could be a great starting point to develop a tasting trail experience.

We will then walk you through how to start planning, how you will communicate and market your niche offering, and also help you start thinking about what partners are best to work with to make your niche experience a reality.

In this template we will also look at:

  • What theme concept resonates with visitors.
  • What are the core pillars of your theme strategy.
  • Who are your ambassadors and influencers for this niche product offering, and the key people who should get involved.
  • How you should work with your influencers and ambassadors to develop and market your niche product/experience going forward.

Template material

In this template, we will help you to start developing unique ideas for niche experiences. We will start by brainstorming a list of possible ideas that could be turned into unique experiences, before moving on to identifying niche themes- such as a 'foodie theme', and the niche experiences that can translate into. For example, a food theme could be a great starting point to develop a tasting trail experience.

In this template, we will help you to start developing unique ideas for niche experiences. We will start by brainstorming a list of possible ideas that could be turned into unique experiences, before moving on to identifying niche themes- such as a 'foodie theme', and the niche experiences that can translate into. For example, a food theme could be a great starting point to develop a tasting trail experience.

We will then walk you through how to start planning, how you will communicate and market your niche offering, and also help you start thinking about what partners are best to work with to make your niche experience a reality.

In this template we will also look at:

  • What theme concept resonates with visitors.
  • What are the core pillars of your theme strategy.
  • Who are your ambassadors and influencers for this niche product offering, and the key people who should get involved.
  • How you should work with your influencers and ambassadors to develop and market your niche product/experience going forward.

Template material