The Twin Transition: Building Your Tourism Transformation Plan

This guide summarises a workshop template designed to help tourism businesses become more sustainable and digitally advanced.

This comprehensive guide empowers you to navigate the workshop template designed by the Digital Tourism Think Tank. The template supports the EU’s Transition for Tourism Pathway, providing a roadmap for your tourism business to become more sustainable and digitally advanced, embracing the “Twin Transition.”

Twin Transition for Tourism Blueprint ©2024 by Digital Tourism Think Tank is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. To view a copy of this license, visit


  • Secure the workshop template by downloading and printing this PDF in 3 parts, or accessing the online version via Mural.
  • Assemble writing materials and prepare for focused brainstorming sessions.

Part 1: Business Value Proposition

Before diving into transformation, this section asks you to examine your business as it stands today. By meticulously detailing your existing products and services, you establish a baseline for the exciting changes to come.

1. Define Your Current Offer: Begin by meticulously detailing your existing products and services. This includes specifics – are you a hotel offering standard accommodations and meals, or a guided tour operator specialising in a particular theme?

2. Brainstorm for Transformation: Unleash your creativity! Employ the “How Might We…?” framework, followed by actions that incorporate both sustainability and digital elements. Examples include:

  • How Might We… offer virtual tours alongside physical tours to minimize travel emissions?
  • How Might We… implement a program for guests to offset their carbon footprint during their stay?
  • How Might We… leverage digital tools to streamline bookings and reduce paper waste?

3. Craft Your Transformed Future: Refine the most promising ideas from your brainstorming session into a clear vision of your post-transformation products and services. How will your hotel operate after offering carbon-offsetting options?How will your tours be enhanced by virtual components?

Part 2: Digital-Sustainable Twin Transformation for Tourism

Here, you’ll establish the guiding principles that will steer your transformation. Define your core values, craft a compelling Transformation Manifesto, and assess your current state of digitalisation and sustainability. This self-evaluation sets the stage for formulating SMART objectives and fostering a symbiotic transformation that leverages both digital and sustainable practices.

1. Establish Guiding Principles:
 Define your core business values. Identify your overarching commitments, potentially including pledges toward sustainability or digitalisation. Finally, craft a concise Transformation Manifesto that powerfully captures your vision for a transformed business.

2. Assess Your Current State: Evaluate the current state of sustainability and digitalisation within your business.Identify areas of excellence and pinpoint areas ripe for improvement.

3. Set SMART Objectives: Formulate three SMART objectives for each focus area – Sustainability and Digital.Remember, SMART objectives are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. An example of a SMART sustainability objective: “Reduce waste by 20% through recycling and composting initiatives within 6 months.”

4. Foster Symbiotic Transformation: Ensure your Twin Transition functions seamlessly. For each sustainability objective, explain how digital tools and technologies will facilitate achievement. Conversely, for each digital objective, explain how your sustainability focus can create additional value for both your business and customers.

5. Develop Actionable Goals: Break down each objective into specific, actionable SMART goals. This will provide a clear path towards realising your overall vision.

Part 3: Mapping Transformation Together

Transformation is rarely a solitary endeavour. This section prompts you to identify the factors that will motivate your business and the industry as a whole. Explore opportunities for collaboration, forge strategic partnerships, and leverage essential technologies. By acknowledging potential barriers and developing strategies to overcome them, you ensure a smooth and successful transformation journey.

1. Identify Motivational Factors:
 Pinpoint the factors that will motivate your business to move forward with this transformation plan. This could range from customer demand for sustainable practices to pressure from your supply chain to become more digital. Recognising these motivators will bolster your resolve during implementation.

2. Foster Industry Collaboration: Collaboration is key! Consider the knowledge and experiences you can share with others in the tourism industry. By sharing your learnings, you can propel the entire industry towards a more sustainable and digital future.

3. Build Strategic Partnerships: Identify partnerships that will be crucial for your success. These could involve technology providers, sustainability consultants, or even other tourism businesses.

4. Leverage Technology: Evaluate the specific technologies essential for implementing your transformation plan. Do you require a new booking system? Waste management software? Research and identify the technological tools that will empower your journey.

5. Address Potential Barriers: Be honest about potential roadblocks that might hinder your progress. Is it a lack of budget? Resistance to change within the organisation? Acknowledging these challenges allows you to develop strategies to overcome them.

Threefold Prosperity: A Deeper Dive (Optional)

The workshop template offers an optional section to map out the changes beneath and above the surface that lead to “Threefold Prosperity.”

This concept considers the positive impacts on the planet, your business, and your community. Here’s a breakdown of how to approach this section:

  • Planet: Detail the positive environmental changes resulting from your transformation plan. This could include reduced waste generation, lower energy consumption, or habitat restoration efforts.
  • Business: Outline the ways in which your transformation plan strengthens your business. Increased efficiency, cost savings, and attracting a new customer base are all potential benefits.
  • Community: Consider how your transformation plan will positively impact the local community. This might involve job creation, supporting local businesses, or cultural preservation initiatives.

By comprehensively addressing these three pillars, you ensure your transformation plan fosters a truly sustainable and responsible future.

Template material

This comprehensive guide empowers you to navigate the workshop template designed by the Digital Tourism Think Tank. The template supports the EU’s Transition for Tourism Pathway, providing a roadmap for your tourism business to become more sustainable and digitally advanced, embracing the “Twin Transition.”

Twin Transition for Tourism Blueprint ©2024 by Digital Tourism Think Tank is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. To view a copy of this license, visit


  • Secure the workshop template by downloading and printing this PDF in 3 parts, or accessing the online version via Mural.
  • Assemble writing materials and prepare for focused brainstorming sessions.

Part 1: Business Value Proposition

Before diving into transformation, this section asks you to examine your business as it stands today. By meticulously detailing your existing products and services, you establish a baseline for the exciting changes to come.

1. Define Your Current Offer: Begin by meticulously detailing your existing products and services. This includes specifics – are you a hotel offering standard accommodations and meals, or a guided tour operator specialising in a particular theme?

2. Brainstorm for Transformation: Unleash your creativity! Employ the “How Might We…?” framework, followed by actions that incorporate both sustainability and digital elements. Examples include:

  • How Might We… offer virtual tours alongside physical tours to minimize travel emissions?
  • How Might We… implement a program for guests to offset their carbon footprint during their stay?
  • How Might We… leverage digital tools to streamline bookings and reduce paper waste?

3. Craft Your Transformed Future: Refine the most promising ideas from your brainstorming session into a clear vision of your post-transformation products and services. How will your hotel operate after offering carbon-offsetting options?How will your tours be enhanced by virtual components?

Part 2: Digital-Sustainable Twin Transformation for Tourism

Here, you’ll establish the guiding principles that will steer your transformation. Define your core values, craft a compelling Transformation Manifesto, and assess your current state of digitalisation and sustainability. This self-evaluation sets the stage for formulating SMART objectives and fostering a symbiotic transformation that leverages both digital and sustainable practices.

1. Establish Guiding Principles:
 Define your core business values. Identify your overarching commitments, potentially including pledges toward sustainability or digitalisation. Finally, craft a concise Transformation Manifesto that powerfully captures your vision for a transformed business.

2. Assess Your Current State: Evaluate the current state of sustainability and digitalisation within your business.Identify areas of excellence and pinpoint areas ripe for improvement.

3. Set SMART Objectives: Formulate three SMART objectives for each focus area – Sustainability and Digital.Remember, SMART objectives are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. An example of a SMART sustainability objective: “Reduce waste by 20% through recycling and composting initiatives within 6 months.”

4. Foster Symbiotic Transformation: Ensure your Twin Transition functions seamlessly. For each sustainability objective, explain how digital tools and technologies will facilitate achievement. Conversely, for each digital objective, explain how your sustainability focus can create additional value for both your business and customers.

5. Develop Actionable Goals: Break down each objective into specific, actionable SMART goals. This will provide a clear path towards realising your overall vision.

Part 3: Mapping Transformation Together

Transformation is rarely a solitary endeavour. This section prompts you to identify the factors that will motivate your business and the industry as a whole. Explore opportunities for collaboration, forge strategic partnerships, and leverage essential technologies. By acknowledging potential barriers and developing strategies to overcome them, you ensure a smooth and successful transformation journey.

1. Identify Motivational Factors:
 Pinpoint the factors that will motivate your business to move forward with this transformation plan. This could range from customer demand for sustainable practices to pressure from your supply chain to become more digital. Recognising these motivators will bolster your resolve during implementation.

2. Foster Industry Collaboration: Collaboration is key! Consider the knowledge and experiences you can share with others in the tourism industry. By sharing your learnings, you can propel the entire industry towards a more sustainable and digital future.

3. Build Strategic Partnerships: Identify partnerships that will be crucial for your success. These could involve technology providers, sustainability consultants, or even other tourism businesses.

4. Leverage Technology: Evaluate the specific technologies essential for implementing your transformation plan. Do you require a new booking system? Waste management software? Research and identify the technological tools that will empower your journey.

5. Address Potential Barriers: Be honest about potential roadblocks that might hinder your progress. Is it a lack of budget? Resistance to change within the organisation? Acknowledging these challenges allows you to develop strategies to overcome them.

Threefold Prosperity: A Deeper Dive (Optional)

The workshop template offers an optional section to map out the changes beneath and above the surface that lead to “Threefold Prosperity.”

This concept considers the positive impacts on the planet, your business, and your community. Here’s a breakdown of how to approach this section:

  • Planet: Detail the positive environmental changes resulting from your transformation plan. This could include reduced waste generation, lower energy consumption, or habitat restoration efforts.
  • Business: Outline the ways in which your transformation plan strengthens your business. Increased efficiency, cost savings, and attracting a new customer base are all potential benefits.
  • Community: Consider how your transformation plan will positively impact the local community. This might involve job creation, supporting local businesses, or cultural preservation initiatives.

By comprehensively addressing these three pillars, you ensure your transformation plan fosters a truly sustainable and responsible future.

Template material