6 Top Features for a DMO’s Website

The website is one of the most important touchpoints of your DMO. For some organisations, it is the core of the whole content that is built and distributed across different channels.

DTTT's 6 favourite Website Features to stay on top of your competition

The website is one of the most important touchpoints of your DMO. For some organisations, it is the core of the whole content that is built and distributed across different channels.

For this reason, you definitely want to engage with your audience in the best way on your website. This is the place to demonstrate the unquestionable knowledge your DMO has about the destination and to showcase how your brand is curated and consistent. It is also the mirror of your offering and needs to give your audience a taste of your destination.

In this Mural board, we have collected 6 features that we believe are extremely important for your website.

  1. Trip Planner
  2. Chatbots
  3. Personalisation
  4. Gamification
  5. Interactive Maps
  6. Booking Tools

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DTTT's 6 favourite Website Features to stay on top of your competition

The website is one of the most important touchpoints of your DMO. For some organisations, it is the core of the whole content that is built and distributed across different channels.

For this reason, you definitely want to engage with your audience in the best way on your website. This is the place to demonstrate the unquestionable knowledge your DMO has about the destination and to showcase how your brand is curated and consistent. It is also the mirror of your offering and needs to give your audience a taste of your destination.

In this Mural board, we have collected 6 features that we believe are extremely important for your website.

  1. Trip Planner
  2. Chatbots
  3. Personalisation
  4. Gamification
  5. Interactive Maps
  6. Booking Tools

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