Building a Digital Strategy: A Dutch Tourism Blueprint

Based on the extensive research process, a strategic Digital Vision was developed to ensure that digitalisation and data-driven approaches to tourism create value across the entire Dutch tourism industry.

The digital landscape is characterised by a constant influx of new technologies and innovations, from artificial intelligence and machine learning to the Internet of Things (IoT) and blockchain. These advancements are disrupting traditional business models, creating new opportunities and challenging organisations to rethink their strategies and operations. The digital age has ushered in a period of technological advancement, reshaping industries, economies and societies worldwide. As digital technologies continue to evolve at an exponential pace, organisations are faced with the imperative to adapt and embrace these changes to remain competitive and relevant.

Moreover, the digital age has transformed the way travellers interact with the tourism industry. Consumers are increasingly demanding personalised experiences, seamless interactions and access to information at their fingertips. Organisations that fail to meet these expectations risk losing market share to more digitally savvy competitors. Leveraging digital technologies to deliver exceptional customer experiences enables organisations to build brand loyalty, foster customer relationships and drive revenue growth.

In addition to technological advancements and changing consumer expectations, organisations must also contend with a rapidly evolving regulatory landscape. Data privacy regulations, cybersecurity threats and ethical considerations are becoming increasingly complex and challenging to navigate.

To successfully navigate this complex and dynamic digital landscape, a clear and strategic vision for digital transformation is essential. Recognising the challenges faced by SMEs in adapting to rapid technological advancements, the Netherlands Board of Tourism & Conventions commissioned us to develop a holistic vision for the digitalisation of the Dutch tourism sector.

Research & Consultation Process

The Digital Vision is underpinned by extensive research, looking at both global digital trends and best practices. A digital benchmarking report was complimented by two panels of digital leaders focused on marketing and digitalisation, enabling discussions between destinations on projects and initiatives implemented, their outcomes and remaining challenges. The external research also included desk research focused on six key areas:

  • Bookability: Ensuring efficient online reservations and digital visibility.
  • Data: Optimising performance, analysis and reporting.
  • Sustainability: Transparent measurement and assessment of environmental and social impacts.
  • Seamless Travel: Technologies that enhance and augment visitor experiences.
  • Marketing: Innovative approaches to capturing the attention of travellers.
  • Skills: Approaches to ensuring the workforce is adequately prepared for digital shifts.

Alongside this global context, quantitative and qualitative research was undertaken to understand the current state of digitalisation in the Dutch tourism sector and to learn what support the industry desires. This included desk research on Dutch tourism and digitalisation policies, an online survey of Dutch tourism businesses conducted between July and September 2023 and an on-demand video panel to gain insights into how digitalisation is viewed by the Dutch tourism industry and the extent to which the sector sees this as being essential to improving tourism's competitiveness. This was complemented by online focus groups with digitalisation experts and representatives of sector organisations.

Through a co-design process, a stakeholder workshop was held in Utrecht in September 2023, with representatives from different tourism sub-sectors. This helped to facilitate discussions around the need for digitalisation, its potential benefits and the solutions sought after by the industry for improving the competitiveness of the tourism sector. The draft digital vision was then presented to the industry and revised through a period of consultation.

The Digital Vision

Based on the extensive research process, a strategic Digital Vision was developed to ensure that digitalisation and data-driven approaches to tourism create value across the entire industry. Through a national approach, the Dutch tourism industry has been positioned to ensure that it excels in an increasingly digitally oriented world and strengthens its competitiveness by creating innovative commercial opportunities. This overarching ambition helps Dutch tourism businesses view digitalisation as a means to an end, helping them to overcome scepticism about new technologies. Such an approach enables businesses to become more adept at experimenting with new digital tools and technologies, while also prioritising physical visitor experiences.

The transformative process outlined in the Digital Vision has been designed to support the Dutch tourism industry in a manner that aligns with both the Dutch Digital Economy Strategy and the EU's Transition Pathway for Tourism. The Digital Vision is focused on overcoming five key challenges that were identified through our multi-faceted research process:

  1. Insufficient (advanced) digital skills
  2. Barriers to interpreting, applying and standardising data
  3. Limited space for exploring the potential new technologies
  4. Insufficient attention to the role digitalisation plays in driving sustainable actions
  5. Barriers to investing in digital technology

To counteract these challenges, five key actions have been identified that will drive the digital and sustainable transformation of the Dutch tourism sector and facilitate growth and competitiveness for businesses of all sizes:

Digital Skills Programme

The Digital Skills Programme is an initiative designed to upskill the tourism workforce and prepare them for the digital future. The programme will cover a wide range of topics, including digital marketing and social media, data analytics and business intelligence, cybersecurity and information privacy, artificial intelligence and machine learning and web development and user experience design. The programme will be run through a combination of online and in-person learning pathways, supporting core digital skills training and advanced technological applications tailored to the specific needs of the tourism industry.

Tourism Data Competence Centre

A Tourism Data Competence Centre, closely linked to the National Data Alliance, will serve as a new initiative to help businesses, DMOs and policymakers make better use of data. Establishing a single centre of data expertise will create alignment around existing and future priorities, combining all knowledge and current and new datasets to build on existing infrastructure and create synergies. With one central data repository, the industry will have access to advanced technical capabilities and the expertise to develop models for new standards, capacity calculations and reports.

Design & Innovation Hubs

Creating Design & Innovation Hubs represents a bold new opportunity to drive innovation in tourism, attract investment and drive competitiveness through emerging and digital technologies. Knowledge sharing and advice on leveraging new technologies are key to improving productivity, creating personalised visitor experiences and enhancing the overall Dutch tourism offer. These hubs will create space to use human-centred design to test and prototype new digital solutions for overcoming the industry's most pressing challenges, bringing entrepreneurs, businesses, tech companies, academia and digital experts together to create a shared passion and excitement around emerging trends.

Sustainable Digital Innovations

By sharing knowledge and experiences, the Dutch tourism industry can foster innovation and avoid unnecessary duplication of efforts. Digitalisation plays a crucial role in enabling transparency, empowering businesses to learn from successful initiatives through clearly tracking impact and performance against a clear set of KPIs. This collaborative approach will ultimately contribute to a more sustainable, equitable and resilient tourism sector in the Netherlands that benefits both businesses and visitors alike.

Tourism Digitalisation Financing Hub

The Tourism Digitalisation Financing Hub will collate all funding opportunities and share this information with the industry. Showing the vastness of funding mechanisms available, from tourism-specific grants to broader investment programmes, is likely to initiate a mindset shift where tourism businesses realise the full extent of support available to drive long-term development. The Financing Hub will match businesses with funding sources based on their specific needs and proposed projects as well as connect entrepreneurs with advisors, who will share their expertise and guidance on the intricacies of different funding options. Cross-sector partnerships and consortia formation will also be supported to ensure the widespread uptake of digital technologies and tourism's transformation.  

The tourism industry's future hinges on its ability to anticipate and prepare for upcoming trends. While addressing current challenges is essential, it is equally important to adopt a long-term perspective and envision the industry's future landscape. As a digitally advanced nation, the Netherlands has a unique opportunity to foster innovation and become a global leader in testing and implementing emerging technologies in tourism. The approach outlined in this Digital Vision will improve knowledge and understanding of the potential impact of emerging technologies and help the entire tourism industry prepare for change, avoid potential disruption and deliver exceptional visitor experiences.

Learn more about the Digital Vision here

The digital landscape is characterised by a constant influx of new technologies and innovations, from artificial intelligence and machine learning to the Internet of Things (IoT) and blockchain. These advancements are disrupting traditional business models, creating new opportunities and challenging organisations to rethink their strategies and operations. The digital age has ushered in a period of technological advancement, reshaping industries, economies and societies worldwide. As digital technologies continue to evolve at an exponential pace, organisations are faced with the imperative to adapt and embrace these changes to remain competitive and relevant.

Moreover, the digital age has transformed the way travellers interact with the tourism industry. Consumers are increasingly demanding personalised experiences, seamless interactions and access to information at their fingertips. Organisations that fail to meet these expectations risk losing market share to more digitally savvy competitors. Leveraging digital technologies to deliver exceptional customer experiences enables organisations to build brand loyalty, foster customer relationships and drive revenue growth.

In addition to technological advancements and changing consumer expectations, organisations must also contend with a rapidly evolving regulatory landscape. Data privacy regulations, cybersecurity threats and ethical considerations are becoming increasingly complex and challenging to navigate.

To successfully navigate this complex and dynamic digital landscape, a clear and strategic vision for digital transformation is essential. Recognising the challenges faced by SMEs in adapting to rapid technological advancements, the Netherlands Board of Tourism & Conventions commissioned us to develop a holistic vision for the digitalisation of the Dutch tourism sector.

Research & Consultation Process

The Digital Vision is underpinned by extensive research, looking at both global digital trends and best practices. A digital benchmarking report was complimented by two panels of digital leaders focused on marketing and digitalisation, enabling discussions between destinations on projects and initiatives implemented, their outcomes and remaining challenges. The external research also included desk research focused on six key areas:

  • Bookability: Ensuring efficient online reservations and digital visibility.
  • Data: Optimising performance, analysis and reporting.
  • Sustainability: Transparent measurement and assessment of environmental and social impacts.
  • Seamless Travel: Technologies that enhance and augment visitor experiences.
  • Marketing: Innovative approaches to capturing the attention of travellers.
  • Skills: Approaches to ensuring the workforce is adequately prepared for digital shifts.

Alongside this global context, quantitative and qualitative research was undertaken to understand the current state of digitalisation in the Dutch tourism sector and to learn what support the industry desires. This included desk research on Dutch tourism and digitalisation policies, an online survey of Dutch tourism businesses conducted between July and September 2023 and an on-demand video panel to gain insights into how digitalisation is viewed by the Dutch tourism industry and the extent to which the sector sees this as being essential to improving tourism's competitiveness. This was complemented by online focus groups with digitalisation experts and representatives of sector organisations.

Through a co-design process, a stakeholder workshop was held in Utrecht in September 2023, with representatives from different tourism sub-sectors. This helped to facilitate discussions around the need for digitalisation, its potential benefits and the solutions sought after by the industry for improving the competitiveness of the tourism sector. The draft digital vision was then presented to the industry and revised through a period of consultation.

The Digital Vision

Based on the extensive research process, a strategic Digital Vision was developed to ensure that digitalisation and data-driven approaches to tourism create value across the entire industry. Through a national approach, the Dutch tourism industry has been positioned to ensure that it excels in an increasingly digitally oriented world and strengthens its competitiveness by creating innovative commercial opportunities. This overarching ambition helps Dutch tourism businesses view digitalisation as a means to an end, helping them to overcome scepticism about new technologies. Such an approach enables businesses to become more adept at experimenting with new digital tools and technologies, while also prioritising physical visitor experiences.

The transformative process outlined in the Digital Vision has been designed to support the Dutch tourism industry in a manner that aligns with both the Dutch Digital Economy Strategy and the EU's Transition Pathway for Tourism. The Digital Vision is focused on overcoming five key challenges that were identified through our multi-faceted research process:

  1. Insufficient (advanced) digital skills
  2. Barriers to interpreting, applying and standardising data
  3. Limited space for exploring the potential new technologies
  4. Insufficient attention to the role digitalisation plays in driving sustainable actions
  5. Barriers to investing in digital technology

To counteract these challenges, five key actions have been identified that will drive the digital and sustainable transformation of the Dutch tourism sector and facilitate growth and competitiveness for businesses of all sizes:

Digital Skills Programme

The Digital Skills Programme is an initiative designed to upskill the tourism workforce and prepare them for the digital future. The programme will cover a wide range of topics, including digital marketing and social media, data analytics and business intelligence, cybersecurity and information privacy, artificial intelligence and machine learning and web development and user experience design. The programme will be run through a combination of online and in-person learning pathways, supporting core digital skills training and advanced technological applications tailored to the specific needs of the tourism industry.

Tourism Data Competence Centre

A Tourism Data Competence Centre, closely linked to the National Data Alliance, will serve as a new initiative to help businesses, DMOs and policymakers make better use of data. Establishing a single centre of data expertise will create alignment around existing and future priorities, combining all knowledge and current and new datasets to build on existing infrastructure and create synergies. With one central data repository, the industry will have access to advanced technical capabilities and the expertise to develop models for new standards, capacity calculations and reports.

Design & Innovation Hubs

Creating Design & Innovation Hubs represents a bold new opportunity to drive innovation in tourism, attract investment and drive competitiveness through emerging and digital technologies. Knowledge sharing and advice on leveraging new technologies are key to improving productivity, creating personalised visitor experiences and enhancing the overall Dutch tourism offer. These hubs will create space to use human-centred design to test and prototype new digital solutions for overcoming the industry's most pressing challenges, bringing entrepreneurs, businesses, tech companies, academia and digital experts together to create a shared passion and excitement around emerging trends.

Sustainable Digital Innovations

By sharing knowledge and experiences, the Dutch tourism industry can foster innovation and avoid unnecessary duplication of efforts. Digitalisation plays a crucial role in enabling transparency, empowering businesses to learn from successful initiatives through clearly tracking impact and performance against a clear set of KPIs. This collaborative approach will ultimately contribute to a more sustainable, equitable and resilient tourism sector in the Netherlands that benefits both businesses and visitors alike.

Tourism Digitalisation Financing Hub

The Tourism Digitalisation Financing Hub will collate all funding opportunities and share this information with the industry. Showing the vastness of funding mechanisms available, from tourism-specific grants to broader investment programmes, is likely to initiate a mindset shift where tourism businesses realise the full extent of support available to drive long-term development. The Financing Hub will match businesses with funding sources based on their specific needs and proposed projects as well as connect entrepreneurs with advisors, who will share their expertise and guidance on the intricacies of different funding options. Cross-sector partnerships and consortia formation will also be supported to ensure the widespread uptake of digital technologies and tourism's transformation.  

The tourism industry's future hinges on its ability to anticipate and prepare for upcoming trends. While addressing current challenges is essential, it is equally important to adopt a long-term perspective and envision the industry's future landscape. As a digitally advanced nation, the Netherlands has a unique opportunity to foster innovation and become a global leader in testing and implementing emerging technologies in tourism. The approach outlined in this Digital Vision will improve knowledge and understanding of the potential impact of emerging technologies and help the entire tourism industry prepare for change, avoid potential disruption and deliver exceptional visitor experiences.

Learn more about the Digital Vision here

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