How Can DMOs Capitalise on Gastronomy Tourism?

Gastronomy tourism has emerged as a key trend for DMOs, offering opportunities to enhance destination branding, stimulate local economies, and create unique visitor experiences.

Did you know Japan boasts more Michelin-starred restaurants than any other country? With Tokyo leading the pack, followed closely by Kyoto and Osaka, it's clear that this is a destination that has firmly established itself as a global culinary powerhouse. But the allure of gastronomy extends far beyond fine dining. From the bustling street food scenes of Southeast Asia to the rustic charm of European farm-to-table experiences, diverse culinary landscapes are emerging as magnets for travellers.

Gastronomy tourism has evolved from a niche interest to a mainstream travel trend. DMOs worldwide are recognising the potential of food to enhance destination branding, stimulate local economies and create unforgettable visitor experiences. Gastronomy tourism is driven by a desire to explore a destination's culinary heritage, meet local producers and immerse oneself in authentic food cultures. To effectively capitalise on this trend, DMOs must possess a deep understanding of their region's unique gastronomic offer:

  • Identifying Culinary Assets: DMOs should conduct a comprehensive inventory of their destination's food and beverage resources, including local ingredients, traditional dishes and renowned chefs. This assessment will help identify potential culinary experiences and develop targeted marketing campaigns.
  • Understanding Target Audiences: Understanding the demographics and preferences of gastronomy tourists is crucial. By identifying specific segments, such as food enthusiasts, culinary adventurers or health-conscious travellers, DMOs can tailor their offer to meet their needs.
  • Benchmarking Competitors: Analysing successful gastronomy tourism initiatives in other destinations can provide valuable insights into best practices and emerging trends. By benchmarking competitors, DMOs can identify opportunities to differentiate their offer and gain a competitive advantage.

While many destinations have incorporated culinary elements into their marketing strategies, some have gone a step further, positioning gastronomy as a core pillar of their tourism offer. Slovenia's National Tourist Board exemplifies this approach. Their commitment to sustainable tourism is evident in their Green Cuisine sustainability label, which recognises establishments prioritising local, seasonal ingredients and eco-friendly practices. This aligns perfectly with the growing demand for responsible travel and showcases Slovenia as a culinary destination with a conscience.

Crafting a Compelling Culinary Narrative

A strong narrative is essential for positioning a destination as a gastronomic destination. DMOs should develop compelling stories that highlight their culinary heritage, traditions and innovations. This narrative should be woven into all marketing material, from websites and brochures to social media campaigns and press releases.

  • Storytelling: Develop engaging stories that showcase the people, places and processes behind the destination's cuisine. Highlight the passion and expertise of local chefs, farmers and artisans.
  • Cultural Integration: Emphasise the connection between food and culture. Showcase how culinary traditions reflect the region's history, traditions and lifestyle.
  • Experiences: Create immersive culinary experiences that go beyond dining. Offer cooking classes, food tours, farm-to-table dinners and wine tastings to engage visitors on a deeper level.

Renowned as a gastronomic paradise, San Sebastian Tourism has positioned itself as a global culinary hub, carving out a clearly differentiated brand offer to many of its competitors. San Sebastian has successfully leveraged its wealth of world-class restaurants and iconic pintxos bars to create a compelling narrative around food and culture. By showcasing the region's fresh produce and traditional cooking techniques, San Sebastian has cultivated a reputation as a must-visit destination for discerning food enthusiasts. Alongside this, the Basque Culinary Center helps position San Sebastian as a driver of gastronomic innovation.

Beyond showcasing existing culinary assets, DMOs must actively nurture and develop their food scenes. This includes fostering a vibrant community of chefs, producers and artisans, supporting culinary education and training. DMOs should forge strong partnerships with local stakeholders, including restaurants, hotels, food producers and culinary associations. By working together, these partners can create a cohesive and compelling culinary experience for visitors.

  • Local Producer Collaboration: Partner with local farmers, fishermen and artisans to showcase fresh and authentic ingredients.
  • Restaurant Partnerships: Collaborate with restaurants to develop special menus, culinary events and food festivals.
  • Tourism Industry Collaboration: Work with hotels, transportation providers and other tourism businesses to create packages that include culinary experiences.

The Culinary Tourism Alliance, for instance, works closely with destinations in Canada to develop food trails, events and festivals, demonstrating the importance of ongoing investment in gastronomy tourism.

A Journey Through Taste

Food festivals are dynamic events that can significantly boost a destination's profile as a culinary hub. These gatherings offer a unique opportunity to showcase local cuisine, attract visitors and stimulate the local economy.

Culinary trails also invite travellers to embark on a gastronomic adventure, exploring a destination's diverse culinary landscape. By creating a curated route that highlights local producers, restaurants and food experiences, DMOs can enhance visitor satisfaction and extend their stay.

Farm-to-table initiatives offer a unique opportunity to showcase a destination's agricultural heritage and promote sustainable tourism. By connecting visitors with local farmers and producers, DMOs can create authentic and memorable experiences.

Copenhagen is another destination that has undergone a culinary renaissance, transforming itself from a Nordic culinary backwater to a gastronomic powerhouse. Wonderful Copenhagen has been instrumental in promoting its innovative and sustainable approach to cuisine, with a particular emphasis on New Nordic cuisine and organic ingredients. By showcasing the city's commitment to ethical and environmentally friendly food practices, Copenhagen has attracted a growing number of health-conscious and adventurous travellers.

Visit Scotland has recognised the potential of food tourism to drive economic growth and enhance its destination image. The "Taste Our Best" label, launched all the way back in 2013, is a prime example of how a DMO can effectively leverage a country's culinary heritage. By highlighting the diversity of Scottish food, from whisky to seafood, and by creating engaging experiences such as food trails and culinary events, Visit Scotland has successfully positioned the country as a captivating destination for food lovers.

Leveraging Digital Marketing

In today's digital age, a strong online presence is essential for promoting a destination's culinary offer. DMOs should use social media, content marketing and search engine optimisation (SEO) to reach a global audience.

  • Visual Storytelling: Create visually appealing content that showcases the destination's food scene, including high-quality photos and videos.
  • Social Media Engagement: Use platforms like Instagram, Facebook and TikTok to share mouthwatering images, behind-the-scenes footage and user-generated content.
  • Influencer Partnerships: Collaborate with food and travel influencers to promote the destination to their followers.
  • Online Booking Platforms: Partner with online booking platforms to offer culinary experiences and packages.

Culinary tourism is one of the best-performing content types for DMOs, performing extremely well on social media. Alongside this, gastronomy storytelling presents significant opportunities for long-form content, particularly when involving influencers or renowned chefs. Visit Malta is a case in point, with the DMO partnering with Bruno Barbieri, an Italian Michelin-star chef to create the Viaggio a Malta YouTube series alongside the Maltese chef Marvin Gauci. The Taste of Malta series, featuring the popular British chef Ainsley Harriott has also created awareness about Maltese delicacies in the important UK market.

By implementing these strategies, DMOs can position their destination as a culinary hotspot and attract a growing segment of food-loving travellers. By investing in gastronomy tourism, DMOs can create a sustainable and thriving tourism economy that benefits both visitors and locals.


Gastronomy tourism is a powerful tool for destination marketing. Understanding the evolving tastes and preferences of travellers enables DMOs to create compelling culinary experiences that resonate with their target audiences. From food festivals and culinary trails to farm-to-table initiatives and sustainable gastronomy, the possibilities are endless. 

By crafting a compelling culinary narrative, building strong partnerships and leveraging digital platforms, DMOs can create unforgettable experiences for visitors and drive economic growth.

Did you know Japan boasts more Michelin-starred restaurants than any other country? With Tokyo leading the pack, followed closely by Kyoto and Osaka, it's clear that this is a destination that has firmly established itself as a global culinary powerhouse. But the allure of gastronomy extends far beyond fine dining. From the bustling street food scenes of Southeast Asia to the rustic charm of European farm-to-table experiences, diverse culinary landscapes are emerging as magnets for travellers.

Gastronomy tourism has evolved from a niche interest to a mainstream travel trend. DMOs worldwide are recognising the potential of food to enhance destination branding, stimulate local economies and create unforgettable visitor experiences. Gastronomy tourism is driven by a desire to explore a destination's culinary heritage, meet local producers and immerse oneself in authentic food cultures. To effectively capitalise on this trend, DMOs must possess a deep understanding of their region's unique gastronomic offer:

  • Identifying Culinary Assets: DMOs should conduct a comprehensive inventory of their destination's food and beverage resources, including local ingredients, traditional dishes and renowned chefs. This assessment will help identify potential culinary experiences and develop targeted marketing campaigns.
  • Understanding Target Audiences: Understanding the demographics and preferences of gastronomy tourists is crucial. By identifying specific segments, such as food enthusiasts, culinary adventurers or health-conscious travellers, DMOs can tailor their offer to meet their needs.
  • Benchmarking Competitors: Analysing successful gastronomy tourism initiatives in other destinations can provide valuable insights into best practices and emerging trends. By benchmarking competitors, DMOs can identify opportunities to differentiate their offer and gain a competitive advantage.

While many destinations have incorporated culinary elements into their marketing strategies, some have gone a step further, positioning gastronomy as a core pillar of their tourism offer. Slovenia's National Tourist Board exemplifies this approach. Their commitment to sustainable tourism is evident in their Green Cuisine sustainability label, which recognises establishments prioritising local, seasonal ingredients and eco-friendly practices. This aligns perfectly with the growing demand for responsible travel and showcases Slovenia as a culinary destination with a conscience.

Crafting a Compelling Culinary Narrative

A strong narrative is essential for positioning a destination as a gastronomic destination. DMOs should develop compelling stories that highlight their culinary heritage, traditions and innovations. This narrative should be woven into all marketing material, from websites and brochures to social media campaigns and press releases.

  • Storytelling: Develop engaging stories that showcase the people, places and processes behind the destination's cuisine. Highlight the passion and expertise of local chefs, farmers and artisans.
  • Cultural Integration: Emphasise the connection between food and culture. Showcase how culinary traditions reflect the region's history, traditions and lifestyle.
  • Experiences: Create immersive culinary experiences that go beyond dining. Offer cooking classes, food tours, farm-to-table dinners and wine tastings to engage visitors on a deeper level.

Renowned as a gastronomic paradise, San Sebastian Tourism has positioned itself as a global culinary hub, carving out a clearly differentiated brand offer to many of its competitors. San Sebastian has successfully leveraged its wealth of world-class restaurants and iconic pintxos bars to create a compelling narrative around food and culture. By showcasing the region's fresh produce and traditional cooking techniques, San Sebastian has cultivated a reputation as a must-visit destination for discerning food enthusiasts. Alongside this, the Basque Culinary Center helps position San Sebastian as a driver of gastronomic innovation.

Beyond showcasing existing culinary assets, DMOs must actively nurture and develop their food scenes. This includes fostering a vibrant community of chefs, producers and artisans, supporting culinary education and training. DMOs should forge strong partnerships with local stakeholders, including restaurants, hotels, food producers and culinary associations. By working together, these partners can create a cohesive and compelling culinary experience for visitors.

  • Local Producer Collaboration: Partner with local farmers, fishermen and artisans to showcase fresh and authentic ingredients.
  • Restaurant Partnerships: Collaborate with restaurants to develop special menus, culinary events and food festivals.
  • Tourism Industry Collaboration: Work with hotels, transportation providers and other tourism businesses to create packages that include culinary experiences.

The Culinary Tourism Alliance, for instance, works closely with destinations in Canada to develop food trails, events and festivals, demonstrating the importance of ongoing investment in gastronomy tourism.

A Journey Through Taste

Food festivals are dynamic events that can significantly boost a destination's profile as a culinary hub. These gatherings offer a unique opportunity to showcase local cuisine, attract visitors and stimulate the local economy.

Culinary trails also invite travellers to embark on a gastronomic adventure, exploring a destination's diverse culinary landscape. By creating a curated route that highlights local producers, restaurants and food experiences, DMOs can enhance visitor satisfaction and extend their stay.

Farm-to-table initiatives offer a unique opportunity to showcase a destination's agricultural heritage and promote sustainable tourism. By connecting visitors with local farmers and producers, DMOs can create authentic and memorable experiences.

Copenhagen is another destination that has undergone a culinary renaissance, transforming itself from a Nordic culinary backwater to a gastronomic powerhouse. Wonderful Copenhagen has been instrumental in promoting its innovative and sustainable approach to cuisine, with a particular emphasis on New Nordic cuisine and organic ingredients. By showcasing the city's commitment to ethical and environmentally friendly food practices, Copenhagen has attracted a growing number of health-conscious and adventurous travellers.

Visit Scotland has recognised the potential of food tourism to drive economic growth and enhance its destination image. The "Taste Our Best" label, launched all the way back in 2013, is a prime example of how a DMO can effectively leverage a country's culinary heritage. By highlighting the diversity of Scottish food, from whisky to seafood, and by creating engaging experiences such as food trails and culinary events, Visit Scotland has successfully positioned the country as a captivating destination for food lovers.

Leveraging Digital Marketing

In today's digital age, a strong online presence is essential for promoting a destination's culinary offer. DMOs should use social media, content marketing and search engine optimisation (SEO) to reach a global audience.

  • Visual Storytelling: Create visually appealing content that showcases the destination's food scene, including high-quality photos and videos.
  • Social Media Engagement: Use platforms like Instagram, Facebook and TikTok to share mouthwatering images, behind-the-scenes footage and user-generated content.
  • Influencer Partnerships: Collaborate with food and travel influencers to promote the destination to their followers.
  • Online Booking Platforms: Partner with online booking platforms to offer culinary experiences and packages.

Culinary tourism is one of the best-performing content types for DMOs, performing extremely well on social media. Alongside this, gastronomy storytelling presents significant opportunities for long-form content, particularly when involving influencers or renowned chefs. Visit Malta is a case in point, with the DMO partnering with Bruno Barbieri, an Italian Michelin-star chef to create the Viaggio a Malta YouTube series alongside the Maltese chef Marvin Gauci. The Taste of Malta series, featuring the popular British chef Ainsley Harriott has also created awareness about Maltese delicacies in the important UK market.

By implementing these strategies, DMOs can position their destination as a culinary hotspot and attract a growing segment of food-loving travellers. By investing in gastronomy tourism, DMOs can create a sustainable and thriving tourism economy that benefits both visitors and locals.


Gastronomy tourism is a powerful tool for destination marketing. Understanding the evolving tastes and preferences of travellers enables DMOs to create compelling culinary experiences that resonate with their target audiences. From food festivals and culinary trails to farm-to-table initiatives and sustainable gastronomy, the possibilities are endless. 

By crafting a compelling culinary narrative, building strong partnerships and leveraging digital platforms, DMOs can create unforgettable experiences for visitors and drive economic growth.

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