The Digital Impact Award






AI Creates Greener and Cycle-Friendly Streets


From Busy Road to Green, Bike-Friendly Street in Real Time! We developed the Cycling Lifestyle-AI tool, which makes every street in the world more bike-friendly and greener. The tool's visualization power encourages people to consider the benefits of a greener and healthier living environment.

This AI-powered tool goes beyond simply showing what a street could look like; it aims to inspire tangible change. The tool's creators wanted to make the abstract idea of a greener future more concrete and relatable for individuals. By showcasing the potential of their own streets transformed into cycle-friendly havens, people are encouraged to advocate for such changes in their communities. This vision of a "Dutch cycling lifestyle" is presented as not just aesthetically pleasing, but also as a healthier and more sustainable way of living.

To further amplify this message, the project included a physical campaign with strategically placed billboards in major European cities. These billboards featured striking "before and after" visuals generated by the tool, directing people to the website for more information. By combining digital innovation with real-world visibility, the campaign sought to broaden its reach and impact, prompting conversations and action towards creating more people-centred urban spaces.

Judges Comments

NBTC was early to engage with Generative AI, ahead of many of its competitors and it really reaped the results in doing so. While competitors turned their focus to text based generative AI concepts, NBTC went in a different direction.

The way in which it connects instantly with its users by inviting them to enter their street and immediately transform banal Streetview images with 'a touch of Dutch' is genius. With elements of delight delivered quickly, users are naturally inclined to share their results on social media, amongst friends and even as urban design concepts to municipal authorities.

The judges loved the way in which NBTC executed it brilliantly and understood the levers to pull in order to trigger brilliantly shareable unique perspectives inspired by the Dutch way of life. Careful consideration to these elements naturally led to high PR value and real impact on the media value generated.

Other Submissions for

The Digital Impact Award

The Digital Impact Award


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