The Digital Impact Award






Virtual Reality Experience "Enjoy German Nature"

German National Tourist Board

The analogue and digital worlds are increasingly merging. Digital media are breaking out of the traditional screen boundaries and migrate into virtual space.

In the VR application on Germany's natural landscapes, it becomes clear that even the beauty and diversity of nature can be and diversity of nature can not only be shown via new digital media, but can be can be experienced holistically.

The "visitor" himself can choose between different locations, media and degrees of interaction. In the project different senses are addressed: sometimes the visual experience is in the foreground, sometimes the spatial spatial sound and sometimes physical interaction via hand-eye coordination.

The latest technology was used to unite the variety of media. Based on the Unreal Engine and C++, the fundamental underpinning is an interactive 3D world, which is real-time by a self-sufficient VR goggle and displayed stereoscopically. In classical and new media were integrated into this 3D world in the best possible quality and made immersive experience.

For example, in SkyTrip we experience 360° film footage of German landscapes in a flying object produced of a specially developed film drone, which films with 6 cameras simultaneously.

In the virtual cinema, films can be watched in 4K, with a spatial sound as in a real cinema.

In the photo gallery, visitors find themselves in a 360° photo collage of Germany and can interactively select impressive landscape photos by gesture and enlarge them enlarged.

In the "Sounds of Nature" application, the focus is on the spatial experience of sound. The visitor experiences an acoustic journey, enriched by visual elements, through the four seasons of Germany.

In the Climbing Experience, on the other hand, things get more physical, as the visitor is asked to shimmy through a gorge and a cave. Via the two the two hand controllers and the spatial tracking, the visitor receives direct feedback and has the the feeling of really climbing. As climbing is only done with the hands, wheelchair users can also use the application to the full extent.

The application is built modularly and is extremely expandable. Films, photos, 360° recordings, etc. can be added or even entire applications can be be changed and supplemented.

Outlook: The content is already future-proof and can also be transferred to Web 3.0 or Metaverse.

In addition to the impressive presentation of the German natural landscapes via anstate-of-the-art interactive VR medium, this project is also about learning processes.

The aim of this project is to gain important insights and share them with partners from the tourism in Germany. E.g. at the GNTB Knowledge Days.

Questions are e.g. : How is a media-appropriate conception and implementation carried out?

How high are the costs?

What are the technical/content-related opportunities or hurdles?

How do the customers react?

What is well received, how is the usability?

Are positive reactions generated or do some areas need to be optimised (keyword motionsickness).

Even during the development phase, feedback from test persons was repeatedly obtained (incl. disabled persons) and the experience gained in using the application is consistently passed on to the developers.

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