The Leadership Award






Camilla Jönsson - Founder

Nyrups Naturhotell

Camilla Jönsson is a prominent figure in sustainable nature tourism in Sweden, known for her roles as the founder of Nyrups Naturhotell and as the President of Naturturismföretagen. Her background as an ecologist underpins Camilla's passion for sustainable tourism. Camilla's understanding of ecological principles informs her approach to developing and promoting tourism experiences that minimise environmental impact and foster a deep appreciation for the natural world.

Founded in 2014 by Camilla and Cecilia Timner, Nyrups Naturhotell embodies a deep commitment to sustainability and authentic nature experiences. Camilla's vision for the hotel centres around fostering a connection with nature through slow, mindful activities like outdoor cooking and shared experiences around a fire. Since taking over full ownership of Nyrups Naturhotell in 2019, Camilla has continued to champion its unique approach to sustainable hospitality. The hotel's commitment to sustainability has been recognised through various awards, highlighting Nyrups Naturhotell's success in offering guests a truly immersive and environmentally responsible experience.

Beyond Nyrups Naturhotell, Camilla actively contributes to the development of sustainable nature tourism in Sweden through her work with Naturturismföretagen - The Swedish Nature and Ecotourism Association - and as the Deputy Chairperson of Företagarföreningen Mitt Skåne - an Entrepreneur Association that promotes the Central Skåne region. She is a strong advocate for policies and practices that support the growth of environmentally and socially responsible tourism in the country.

Judges Comments

Camilla is an inspiring entrepreneur, who is making waves across Sweden's rapidly transforming tourism sector. Her vision, commitment and passion for sustainability are reinforced by her successes and accolades, most notably the conceptual and truly sustainable experience that the Nyrups Naturhotell offers. Her prominent and leading roles in industry organisations committed to sustainable development and transformation are a testament to her contributions to a more sustainable industry.

Other Submissions for

The Leadership Award

The People's Choice Award Winner