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Hopper is a digital platform focused on helping users find and book hotels at discounted rates. Their platform utilises data analysis and machine learning to predict hotel price fluctuations and suggest optimal booking times. Hopper offers features that can do price predictions, Analysing historical data and market trends, a watchlist, and flexible booking.

(OTA for hotels, flights and rental cars search trips through chat and SMS)

Digital & Smart Technology Solutions


Hotelogix offers a cloud-based platform designed to manage various aspects of hotel operations, including reservations, guest information, room management, distribution channel connections, point of sale transactions, and online booking capabilities.

Digital & Smart Technology Solutions


IBM iX® is a consultancy, digital agency, design studio and tech company all rolled into one, operating under the IBM brand. They leverage their expertise in design, technology and data to help clients develop and implement successful digital experiences.

Consulting & Strategy


IDeaS offers a Revenue Management System designed to help hospitality businesses optimise pricing and inventory strategies. Their cloud-based platform uses historical data, market trends, and competitor pricing to suggest optimal room rates for hotels. IDeaS also provides demand forecasting, pricing automation and reporting and analytics.

Market & Business Intelligence

ISO Travel

ISO Travel Solutions specialise in software and consulting services for the tourism industry, specifically for tour operators. However, some of their offering might be relevant to DMOs.

Marketing & Web Solutions Providers

Imotion analytics

Video surveillance systems, with a layer of intelligence to your network of cameras already installed. monitorization capacity, influx trajectories of people, objects, vehicles, gender, age and emotional states,

Market & Business Intelligence


Infraspeak is a mobile and cloud-based platform that helps hotel and maintenance managers track and manage assets, buildings and locations. Highly flexible and customisable, Infraspeak connects all aspects of your operation and consolidates it into a much larger and powerful tool helping by centralising stocks, reducing costs and managing corrective and preventive maintenance so that guests always have the perfect stay.

Digital & Smart Technology Solutions

Ink Lantern

Ink Lantern is a content marketing agency specialising in creating engaging and impactful content for businesses. They offer a range of services, including content strategy, creation and design, to help clients achieve their marketing goals.

Advertising & Audience Solutions


Innspire work with some of the world’s most iconic hotels and brands, and help them Go Digital, and deliver their Digital Guest Journey. Innspire offers a technology solution designed to manage various aspects of the guest room experience in hotels. Their system focuses on providing control and customisation options for guests through their platform, potentially including: TV And entertainment & Climate and Lighting and Voice Control.

Digital & Smart Technology Solutions
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