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Balaena Technologies SL

Balaena Technologies is a technology company providing travel industry software solutions. They offer a platform designed to help travel agents manage their operations, but their solution could potentially be adapted for DMOs to manage their destination offer and bookings.

Digital & Smart Technology Solutions


Bandwango is a technology platform that enables businesses to create and manage experience-based products, such as passes and trails. They offer tools for curation, distribution and redemption, as well as data analytics to measure performance.

Marketing & Web Solutions Providers


Behandy is a recruitment platform specialising in connecting hospitality establishments with qualified job seekers. Their innovative approach focuses on building connections through "advantages" offered to potential employees before traditional job applications.

Consulting & Strategy

Benchmarking Alliance

Benchmarking Alliance provides benchmarking data and analysis for the hospitality industry. They offer insights into key performance indicators (KPIs) and competitive landscapes to help businesses improve their performance.

Market & Business Intelligence


Better.Guest is a technology company specialising in guest communication platforms for the hospitality industry. Their platform facilitates two-way communication between properties and guests, aiming to improve guest experience and satisfaction.

Digital & Smart Technology Solutions


Biosphere focuses on Sustainable Tourism Development. They offer a certification programme and consulting services to help destinations implement sustainable practices and achieve recognition for their efforts.

Digital & Smart Technology Solutions


BisLenz is a data analytics platform that helps businesses collect, analyse and visualize data to make informed decisions. They offer a user-friendly interface and automation features to streamline the data analysis process.

Market & Business Intelligence

Black Diamond

Black Diamond is a London-based integrated communications agency with a pan-European network. They offer a range of services relevant to DMOs, including public relations, strategic communications, marketing campaigns and content creation, all focused on travel, lifestyle and property sectors.

Creative, Digital & PR Agencies


Bokun is a leading travel technology company offering a comprehensive suite of solutions for both destinations (DMOs) and tourism businesses.

Marketing & Web Solutions Providers
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