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Waymack and Crew

Waymack and Crue is a consulting firm specialising in the travel and tourism industry. They offer strategic guidance on destination marketing, brand development and tourism product development.

Advertising & Audience Solutions

We Go Greenr

We Go Greenr is a company focused on sustainable travel solutions and facilitate the transition to eco-responsible tourism. They combine both support for all tourism establishments to help them in their ecological transition, and a booking platform dedicated to sustainable tourism to enable travellers to easily find and book thousands of eco-responsible accommodations and activities.

Consulting & Strategy


Whalar is a technology platform that helps destinations create engaging digital experiences for visitors. They offer tools for content creation, distribution and analytics, as well as interactive features to enhance visitor engagement.

Digital & Smart Technology Solutions

Wilkins Avenue

Wilkins Avenue is a leading Augmented Reality (AR) and Spatial Computing company that partners with prestigious brands worldwide. They specialise in creating immersive in-store and online AR experiences to enhance retail experiences and drive customer engagement and sales.

Digital & Smart Technology Solutions

With Locals

With Locals is a platform that connects travellers with authentic and unique experiences offered by local hosts worldwide. They focus on providing immersive cultural experiences that go beyond traditional tourist attractions, allowing visitors to connect with the local way of life.

Marketing & Web Solutions Providers


Wixar is a company specialising in digital marketing solutions for the hospitality industry. They help hotels and tourism businesses leverage digital tools and strategies to attract guests, increase bookings, and enhance the overall guest experience. Wixar's platform can also be used for immersive learning to create virtual realities in the tourism industry

Marketing & Web Solutions Providers


We believe planning a trip should be fun and stress-free. We are a platform offering à la carte travel, simplifying the creation of unforgettable travel itineraries as original as each traveler.

We make it easy:

• Choose a destination.

• Customise your trip.

• Check quotes and availabilities in real-time.

• Book online.

Our model is B2B2C: We empower our partners to co-create personalised travel itineraries with their customers.

• No upfront fees or setup costs: getting started is free!

• Fully customizable design and content.

• Attractive commission structure.

Worldia is a tour operating platform that specialises in the simplification of booking a tour

Consulting & Strategy


XplorIt is a technology company specialising in interactive maps and immersive experiences. They offer solutions for destinations to create engaging and informative digital experiences for visitors.

Digital & Smart Technology Solutions


Yahoo is a global media and technology company that offers a range of online services, including search, news, email and advertising.

Advertising & Audience Solutions
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