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Project M

Project M is a leading German consulting firm specialising in tourism strategy. They offer a comprehensive range of services to help tourism businesses and organisations develop and implement successful strategies for growth and development.

Consulting & Strategy


PwC is a global professional services firm providing audit, tax and advisory services. They have a dedicated tourism and hospitality practice that offers strategic consulting, data analytics and financial advisory services to destinations around the world.

Consulting & Strategy


Qualitelis is a market research and customer experience management company. Their ergonomic platform specialises in collecting and analysing feedback from customer satisfaction surveys and online reviews. They provide data-driven insights to help businesses improve customer experience and brand reputation.

Market & Business Intelligence

Quicktext (Velma)

Quicktext is a technology company specialising in artificial intelligence (AI)-powered chatbots for the hospitality industry. Their flagship product, Velma, is a chatbot platform designed to improve guest communication and streamline hotel operations.

Digital & Smart Technology Solutions

Racing for the Oceans

Racing For The Oceans supports HORECA in its sustainable, plastic-free transition (Hotels, Cafés, Restaurants, independents and groups).

Consulting & Strategy

Relic Agency

Relic Agency is a marketing and creative agency specialising in influencer marketing and social media content creation. They help brands develop creative campaigns, curate influencer partnerships and manage social media channels.

Marketing & Web Solutions Providers


RepUp is a cloud-based guest experience management platform designed for hotels to monitor, analyse, and improve guest feedback across various channels. Their platform leverages data and analytics to help hotels understand guest sentiment, identify areas for improvement, and build stronger customer relationships.

Digital & Smart Technology Solutions


Marketing, managing and selling rooms, restaurants and activities online.

Software and tools developed for accommodation, restaurants and activities

Digital & Smart Technology Solutions

Resonance Consultancy

Resonance is a strategic consulting firm specialising in place branding and destination marketing. They help destinations develop strong identities, attract visitors and drive economic growth.

Consulting & Strategy
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