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Merytu is a Portuguese software company offering a platform designed to connect hospitality businesses with freelance professionals. Their platform facilitates a streamlined process for both parties, aiming to address short-term staffing needs for businesses and provide flexible work opportunities for professionals.

Businesses can post temporary job vacancies, specify requirements and skills needed, and search for qualified professionals based on profiles and ratings. Professionals can create profiles showcasing their skills and experience, search for job opportunities that match their expertise, and manage their availability on the platform.

Digital & Smart Technology Solutions

Proactive Iceland

Proactive Iceland is a consulting and import/distribution company specialising in food and specialty products. They partner with businesses in Iceland to source and distribute high-quality food and beverage products from around the world. Proactive Iceland also assists international brands in entering the Icelandic market. Looking for greater efficiency and productivity, their primary focus is to deliver superior quality products to meet high standards of excellence. They have a large portfolio of representing brands from around the globe while fostering satisfaction and personal connections with their customers

Consulting & Strategy

Reisa is a booking system designed to streamline the reservation process for campsites and other accommodation providers. Their web-based platform offers flexibility to cater to various business needs, from small campsites with limited staff to larger operations.

Digital & Smart Technology Solutions


Platform for digitalisation of tourism. Analysing and using data in tourism and events.

Salmi Platform is a Finnish company for in data-driven analytics solutions and digitalisation for the tourism and events industry. They offer a collection of tools designed to help organisations understand their visitor demographics, measure the impact of tourism, and improve the overall visitor experience. Key products include:

  • Triplizer(Tourism Analytics)
  • Eventlizer (Event Analytics)
  • Mobile App Development
Digital & Smart Technology Solutions


Skriptó is a Belgian translation agency that delivers professional, high quality multilingual translation services for multiple industries. They cater to a a wide cultural target audience through the use of many languages and look to give uncompromising customer satisfaction. They are experienced with many clients which helps provide sector specific expertise. Services include: Translation, Transcreation, SEO translation, Proofreading, Interpreting, Voice-over

Marketing & Web Solutions Providers


eXplorins is a creative tech HUB based in Barcelona, where they develop interactive phygital experiences with triple positive impact: economic, social and environmental. Using their methodology and new technologies, they created, together with their clients, phygital (on and offline) eXperiences based on what stimulates the territory, inhabitants, culture, economy and environment.

Specialised XR Solution Providers


2iXR is a technology company specialising in augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) and mixed reality (MR) experiences. They create immersive and interactive solutions for businesses across various industries, including tourism.

Digital & Smart Technology Solutions


360&1 is a technology company specialising in hotel and tourism solutions. They offer a platform designed to help businesses in the travel industry increase direct bookings and optimise revenue.

Digital & Smart Technology Solutions

AC+ Consultores

AC+ Consultores is a consulting firm with over 20 years of experience in the tourism sector. They offer a range of services to both private companies and public entities, specialising in tourism development, destination management and strategic planning.

Consulting & Strategy
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