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Travia marketplace enables B2B buyers directly contract hotels and accommodation providers with no middlemen and process live reservations directly to over 700 hotel systems. Travia is an API-first platform.

Market & Business Intelligence


Trekksoft is a software company specialising in Marketing & Web Solutions Providers within the travel and tourism industry. Their platform caters specifically to tour and activity operators, but it can also offer valuable tools for DMOs.

Marketing & Web Solutions Providers
Featured is a leading online travel agency (OTA) with a strong presence in the Asia-Pacific region. They offer a variety of travel booking services, including flights, hotels and activities to a large user base.

Advertising & Audience Solutions


TripAdvisor offers a suite of services specifically designed to empower Destination Marketing Organisations in promoting their destinations to a global audience.

Advertising & Audience Solutions


Trivago, a leading online hotel price comparison platform, offers valuable tools and functionalities specifically designed to support Destination Marketing Organisations (DMOs) in attracting visitors and promoting their destinations.

Advertising & Audience Solutions

True Omni

True Omni is a technology company specialising in omnichannel marketing solutions. They offer interactive kiosks, digital signage and mobile applications to enhance customer experiences and provide valuable data insights.

Digital & Smart Technology Solutions

Trust You

TrustYou is a hospitality industry intelligence platform that specialises in reputation management, guest feedback analysis, and marketing solutions for hotels. They offer a variety of tools that help hotels collect guest reviews, analyse feedback, to online reputation, and ultimately drive guest satisfaction and bookings with minimal effort

Marketing & Web Solutions Providers


Uplaan is a B2B SaaS company, which aims to help businesses (nowadays campsites) through digital transformation.

Uplaan is a Spanish company specialising in software and app development for the camping and hospitality industry. They offer a comprehensive platform that streamlines various aspects of campsite management, enhances the guest experience, and facilitates communication and booking processes

Marketing & Web Solutions Providers


UserWay is a leading provider of web accessibility solutions. They help organisations create inclusive digital experiences for people with disabilities by ensuring compliance with WCAG standards.

Digital & Smart Technology Solutions
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