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GettinLocal delivers all-in-one digital discovery guides for both locals and visitors. Their platform aggregates and curates experiences, attractions, restaurants, tours, events and more to present the local flavour of destinations.

Digital & Smart Technology Solutions


Google is a multinational technology company specialising in Internet-related services and products, which includes a vast network of properties like Search, Maps, YouTube and Google Ads. These properties can be powerful tools for DMOs to reach and engage potential travellers.

Advertising & Audience Solutions

Green Destinations

Green Destinations is a non-profit organisation focused on promoting sustainable tourism practices at the destination level. They offer a certification programme, resources and networking opportunities to help DMOs become more sustainable.

Consulting & Strategy

Guest Suite

Guest Suite is a platform designed to help businesses manage their online reputation by collecting and analysing customer reviews. Their platform offers features such as review and response management, the monitoring of online mentions and brand reputation, along with sentiment analysis, and seeing how to improve from customer feedback.

Market & Business Intelligence


H64 is a cloud-based blockchain technology platform designed to simplify access and development for businesses. Their platform offers features such as smart contract development, integration with existing systems, compliance and security and offering the tools to help develop businesses blockchain.

Market & Business Intelligence


HRS offers a platform focused on business travel management. Their services include booking tools for hotels, flights, and other travel arrangements, catering primarily to corporate travelers.

Market & Business Intelligence


HeyGen provides an AI-powered platform for creating engaging professional business videos for marketing & sales, training & Onboarding and much more. HeyGen is an innovative video platform that harnesses the power of generative AI to streamline your video creation process. There are customisation options, multi language support and video editing tools as well

Digital & Smart Technology Solutions


Holibob is a technology platform that connects travellers with a wide range of experiences, from tours and activities to events and workshops. They focus on personalised recommendations and seamless booking experiences.

Digital & Smart Technology Solutions

Honeywell Home

Honeywell Home offers a range of smart home products designed to improve comfort, security, and energy efficiency. Their products include smart thermostats, security systems, and other connected devices.

Digital & Smart Technology Solutions
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