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OptimizaData is a data analytics company specialising in the tourism industry. They provide tools and services to help destinations understand their visitors, optimise marketing efforts and make data-driven decisions.

Market & Business Intelligence


Orbitz is a leading online travel agency that provides a digital platform for booking flights, hotels, rental cars, and cruises. They offer a user-friendly website and mobile app to help customers search and compare travel options from a wide range of suppliers. Orbitz utilises marketing automation technologies to personalise the user experience and target advertising campaigns effectively. Their services cater to leisure travellers looking for convenient and competitive travel booking solutions.

Digital & Smart Technology Solutions


Ouispeak is a technology company specialising in remote interpretation solutions for multilingual events. They offer a digital platform that connects meeting organisers with a network of remote interpreters, facilitating real-time communication across language barriers. While offering low-CO2 solutions and services, Ouispeak utilises cloud-based technology to deliver a flexible and scalable solution for conferences, meetings, and events of all sizes. They leverage mobile app technology to provide a convenient user experience for both interpreters and participants. Additionally, Ouispeak incorporate AI to enhance translation accuracy and efficiency. Their services cater to businesses, organisations, and event planners looking to host multilingual conferences and meetings. By combining the power of technology and interpreters, they aim to keep the world connected!

Digital & Smart Technology Solutions


PROPPOS is a technology company specialising in artificial intelligence (AI)-powered computer vision solutions for the retail and hospitality industries. Their core product is Proppos FastPay, a self-checkout system that uses computer vision to automatically identify products without the need for barcodes or scanning. Their mission is to transform the checkout experience through accurate, autonomous and affordable computer vision solutions.

Digital & Smart Technology Solutions

Paradise Advertising

Paradise Advertising is a full-service hospitality, tourism and destination marketing agency. They specialise in brand strategy, omnichannel advertising, creative content development and digital marketing solutions for the travel and tourism industry.

Creative, Digital & PR Agencies


PaxFlow is a technology company specialising in activity and day tour management solutions for the tourism industry. They offer a web-based platform and a mobile app that aims to improve efficiency and communication for tour operators. PaxFlow utilises data analytics to provide operators with insights into resource allocation, customer behaviour, and sales performance. They also offer consulting services to help tour operators optimise their operations and develop effective marketing strategies. PaxFlow caters to activity and day tour operators of all sizes.

Digital & Smart Technology Solutions


Paybyrd empowers businesses with unrestricted enterprise capabilities by integrating omni-channel payment methods into a tailored payment encounter.

Digital & Smart Technology Solutions


Building a loyal connection with your customers by efficiently returning their lost item

Digital & Smart Technology Solutions


Phocuswright is the world leading travel industry research authority. They specialise in providing travel industry research, data and analytics, offering valuable insights for DMOs.

Market & Business Intelligence
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