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Cibernova is an AI-focused company offering solutions for process automation and digital employee development. Their primary focus is on creating AI chatbots and automating various business processes.

Digital & Smart Technology Solutions

Cirkwi for Business

Cirkwi is a digital platform that provides interactive maps and guides for destinations. They focus on creating engaging user experiences by showcasing points of interest, itineraries and local information.

Digital & Smart Technology Solutions

Citi Builder by Citi

Citi Builder is a data-driven platform developed by Citi Ventures to help investors, developers, municipalities and community members make informed decisions about place-based investments. It provides insights into community needs, investment opportunities and potential impact.

Market & Business Intelligence

Clarity of Place

Clarity of Place is a consulting firm specialising in destination management and community engagement. They help destinations understand their unique assets, align tourism with community needs and develop sustainable tourism strategies.

Consulting & Strategy


Cleverdata is a data analytics company specialising in AI-driven solutions. They help businesses extract valuable insights from their data to inform decision-making.

Digital & Smart Technology Solutions


Clicktivated is a digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising company that provides solutions for businesses to reach their target audience through screens in public spaces. They offer ad placement, targeting and measurement capabilities.

Advertising & Audience Solutions


Cognizant is a global IT services and consulting company that helps businesses modernise their operations and improve customer experiences through digital transformation. From chatbots to self-learning booking platforms, providers can create new momentum that both pleases customers and trims costs.

Consulting & Strategy


Communify is a technology platform that enables the creation of online communities around shared interests. It provides tools for members to connect, share content and engage with each other.

Digital & Smart Technology Solutions


CozyCozy is a leading metasearch engine specialising in accommodation. Their platform allows users to search and compare a wide range of accommodation options across the internet in one central location.

Marketing & Web Solutions Providers
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