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The Trip Boutique

The Trip Boutique is an AI-powered travel intelligence platform that specialises in creating personalised travel itineraries. They combine technology with human expertise to deliver unique and unforgettable travel experiences.

Digital & Smart Technology Solutions

VOO Flights

VOO Flights is a digital B2B marketplace specialising in private jet charters. They connect brokers, operators and clients, providing a platform for searching, booking and managing private jet flights.

Digital & Smart Technology Solutions


Avidly is a marketing and advertising agency specialising in content marketing and storytelling. They help businesses create and distribute engaging content that resonates with target audiences.

Marketing & Web Solutions Providers


Bookline is a leader in Conversational AI in Europe. They specialise in developing and implementing AI chatbots to automate customer service interactions for various industries, including hospitality, travel and retail.

Digital & Smart Technology Solutions

Destination Everywhere Accessible Travel 

Destination Everywhere is a platform focused on promoting accessible travel for people with disabilities. They offer resources, information, and consulting services to facilitate inclusive tourism experiences through great advertising and communication.

Marketing & Web Solutions Providers

Go Giro

Hopguides empowers travel influencers and operators to co-create AI-enhanced tours and turn insightful journeys into sellable tourist products. Travellers gain authentic and personalised explorations and products that represent the spirit of the destination. This is enhanced further by curated city guides, Audio and visual Content, offline access and User-generated guides.

Market & Business Intelligence


Greentripper offers a platform designed to calculate and offset carbon emissions associated with travel. Users can input travel details to estimate their carbon footprint and choose to support climate mitigation projects to offset their emissions. They can help users compare reduce their carbon footprint to contribute to a greener world through climate projects

Digital & Smart Technology Solutions


HiJiffy is an innovative solution that centralises, automates, and measures all hotel customer service activities, integrating innovative technology in a simple, reliable, and robust platform, used daily in more than 1400 hotels, in 30 countries. The hotels using HiJiffy have an average automation rate of 70%, being fundamental in a time when the guest’s contacts are more and more complex.

Digital & Smart Technology Solutions


L'Alelph is a startup company that has designed a computing solution called Xenia. Xenia is an innovative, non-intrusive effective computing solution that emotionally engages and respondents. The digital solution can help do and solve: what a companies desires are while highlighting well being, a web application, that gives new analyses assisting businesses to make the right decisions for them. It can also create enhanced guestbook for museums or hotels. Xenia has an inspirational search engine to access the catalog of offers through emotions, and also has participative conferences based on desires to animate seminars.

Digital & Smart Technology Solutions
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