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Samsung Ads

Samsung Ads is Samsung's advertising platform that allows businesses to reach users across Samsung Galaxy devices, including smartphones, tablets and smart TVs. They offer programmatic advertising solutions within the Samsung Galaxy app ecosystem.

Advertising & Audience Solutions

Scholz & Friends

Scholz & Friends is a full-service advertising agency with a strong track record of creating successful campaigns for various industries. They offer expertise in brand development, storytelling, creative advertising and digital marketing solutions.

Marketing & Web Solutions Providers

SearchWide Global

SearchWide Global is an executive search firm specialising in the travel, tourism and hospitality industry. They focus on finding qualified candidates for leadership positions within DMOs and other tourism-related organisations.

Consulting & Strategy


Selligent is a marketing automation platform that helps businesses engage with customers through personalised email marketing and automation. They offer a range of tools to manage customer data, create targeted campaigns and measure performance.

Marketing & Web Solutions Providers

Septeo Hospitality

Septeo Hospitality(Formerly known as Sequoiasoft) develops management and marketing software for professionals in hospitality (hotels, holiday rents and campsites), restaurants and wellness (spas, thalassotherapy centres and thermal activities).

Septeo Hospitality is currently the only French software developer to offer solutions that cover the whole of the customer journey from online booking to check-out, managing overnight stays and events, and restaurant and wellness services along the way.

Digital & Smart Technology Solutions

Sesame Technology

Sesame Technology a new generation access controls manufacturer, secures all types of accesses and simplifies key management. Sesame Technology has developed a range of access control devices design and customisable, combining NFC, RFID, BLE, QR CODE, WIFI 3G, 4G technologies.

The secure platform centralizss the management and control of all accesses and all user keys remotely and in real time.

Digital & Smart Technology Solutions


Shutterstock is a global provider of stock imagery, videos and music. They offer a vast library of high-quality content for businesses and individuals to use in their marketing and creative projects.

Advertising & Audience Solutions


SIHOT is the hotel management software that covers all processes in a hotel and offers tailor-made solutions.

SIHOT offers one of the most complete hotel management software on the market. You can benefit from countless functions; Event management, online check-in and check-out or multi-property are just a few of them. But more importantly, you don’t have to. Because our product has a modular structure. Choose the functionalities that fit your personal business model.

Digital & Smart Technology Solutions

Smart Green Execution

Smart Green Execution is a French company specialising in integrating building automation and control systems to optimise the amount of energy efficiency and comfort within buildings. They aim at reducing operational costs while increasing a sustained level of energy consumption.

Digital & Smart Technology Solutions
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